is it possible to compare client variable to server variable.
i have this code and its not working. its a simple if statement...
<%if rssuppliers.fields("pk_supplierid")= %> document.frmcontact.txtsupplierid.value <% then %>
is it possible to compare client variable to server variable.
i have this code and its not working. its a simple if statement...
<%if rssuppliers.fields("pk_supplierid")= %> document.frmcontact.txtsupplierid.value <% then %>
possible man siguro...
murag naka-try ko ana... kanang inig dayon ug load sa page bai... try lang ug simple codes bai
if a=%> "hello" <% then
response.write ("hello")
yeah! bling bling men...abz'
kibs no good nangita ko source w/c is IMPOSSIBLE to COMPARE DIRECTLY client var to server var. And d work around, PASS VALUE to client var...
anyway in my heres what i do:
function sel_sup(){
document.frmcontact.cbosuppliers.value = opener.pass_supid;
<body onload='initform(); sel_sup();' >
awww dili diay pwede?... hehe...
gamit nalang ug AJAX
yeah! bling bling men...abz'
client to "static" server data..(inimbinto rana nako nga term haha)
ig generate sa page..
mag himo ka og function sa asp nga mo generate og "Javascript code".. nga iya daan i embed ang mga values...
but not a good idea heheh.
SK- work for me and mix with AJAX
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