Hello Friends,
When the sclera, or white part of the eye becomes irritated due to dry air, sun exposure, dust or foreign bodies, an allergic reaction, infection or trauma, the blood vessels become enlarged resulting in unsightly red eyes. Over-the-counter medicines meant to reduce redness can actually harm your eyes. However, natural medicines can soothe your red eyes without any unwanted side effects.
* Use homeopathic eye drops. Most over-the-counter eye drops are made to shrink the blood vessels in the eye to reduce redness, but can actually cause harm to your eyes over time. Natural homeopathic medicines made to treat dry eyes closely mimic your natural tears and can be used indefinitely without the risk of side effects.
* Soothe your dry tired eyes with a cool compress, particularly if you have red eyes due to eye strain and stress. Simply place a cool wet washcloth over closed eyes and rest for a few minutes. The cool cloth will help to restrict blood vessels while closing your eyes for a few minutes will help restore moisture.
Thanks and Regards,
Daquan Gibson