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Thread: Is this normal?

  1. #1

    Default Is this normal?

    hello guys,

    im a girl, 18yrs old, 5ft tall (or short >.<) and my weight is 41kg

    about 5-6 years ago (i was about 4"10 that time), I was a bit chubby but my weight would range from 39kg to 42kg. now that im 5ft, im way thinner now but my weight it still more or less the same.

    but the weird thing is, my weight keeps changing. there was this one time I even weighed in at 32kg O.o, imagine that. And I didn't even do anything. I still ate the same (I have a pretty big appetite for a girl by the way) and I barely exercise. it stayed that way for only about 3 days, after that it went back to 40kg. that never happened again but on occasions, my weight does go up to about 45kg then about a day or two after, it just goes back to 41kg. sometimes it decreases to 39 but yeah, the point is it randomly changes just for a few days.

    and another thing, why do I weigh so light when im not that thin?? I can say im not that thin coz my body fat is 24% and i can pinch a lot of inches from my body. Im not sure if theyre fat or water retention but its definitely flabby.

    would appreciate some answers guys. thanks!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    it looks like your weight device is positioned to uneven surface, which results in different weight output....
    try putting it on a 100% flat surface, push every corners of your device on the ground to see if it will budge...if it does then position it elsewhere until every corners of the device wont budge

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by _hizuka_ View Post
    it looks like your weight device is positioned to uneven surface, which results in different weight output....
    try putting it on a 100% flat surface, push every corners of your device on the ground to see if it will budge...if it does then position it elsewhere until every corners of the device wont budge
    hello! actually its already on a 100% flat surface. Im not the only one who uses it, most people in my house use it but their weight doesnt vary, only mine. So that means its really only my problem. plus, ive used other devices too, and same thing, my weight still varies. I really dont know whats going on but ive been checked up alot, im healthy as can be.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    You're underweight as what I've calculated your BMI..
    Last edited by prestige; 11-10-2012 at 11:24 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by prestige View Post
    You're underweight as what I've calculated your BMI..
    yes, i already know that and its not really a concern of mine since everything in my body is normal except my weight. No matter how much i eat, i dont gain weight, and even if i dont eat, i dont lose weight either. so i dont really get it.

    I dont know why I weigh so light. I am not that thin. I just have a small structure which makes people think im thin. I have big bulky legs which are full of fat and muscle because im into highly active sports. My arms looks small but theyre actually pretty flabby and so is my stomach. People who are thinner than me actually weigh more than me, its really weird.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    guba ang timbangan dear. there is no way your weight can have a difference of more than 5kg (x2.2 to get the lbs) in just few days

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by stallions View Post
    yes, i already know that and its not really a concern of mine since everything in my body is normal except my weight. No matter how much i eat, i dont gain weight, and even if i dont eat, i dont lose weight either. so i dont really get it.

    I dont know why I weigh so light. I am not that thin. I just have a small structure which makes people think im thin. I have big bulky legs which are full of fat and muscle because im into highly active sports. My arms looks small but theyre actually pretty flabby and so is my stomach. People who are thinner than me actually weigh more than me, its really weird.
    Have you checked your feet? was it edematous? What type of food do you usually eat? salty foods and carbohydrate rich foods may cause water retention. It will gain weight and since you're an athlete, I think it has something to do about your weight fluctuations regarding your food intake, activity level and hydration.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by yvonne6 View Post
    guba ang timbangan dear. there is no way your weight can have a difference of more than 5kg (x2.2 to get the lbs) in just few days
    oh believe me, it really did happen sis. I was so shocked to see those numbers, so I asked someone else to have their weight taken, and their weight was normal! so I check again, and it really was 32kg.. but anyway, it really doesnt matter, it only happened once and that was a long time ago hehe

    Quote Originally Posted by prestige View Post
    Have you checked your feet? was it edematous? What type of food do you usually eat? salty foods and carbohydrate rich foods may cause water retention. It will gain weight and since you're an athlete, I think it has something to do about your weight fluctuations regarding your food intake, activity level and hydration.
    Im not sure what that means, tried searching but I dont think there's anything wrong with my feet hehe and I don't eat too much salty foods but I do take alot of carbs. and maybe you're right, I think the water retention has something to do with my fluctuations. that would also explain why im not that heavy. these "flabs" might just be water retention.

    by the way, thanks for the reply guys. Really appreciate it

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by stallions View Post

    Im not sure what that means, tried searching but I dont think there's anything wrong with my feet hehe and I don't eat too much salty foods but I do take alot of carbs. and maybe you're right, I think the water retention has something to do with my fluctuations. that would also explain why im not that heavy. these "flabs" might just be water retention.

    by the way, thanks for the reply guys. Really appreciate it
    I mean, do you have puffy or swollen feet? Water retention makes you look fat. Drink a lot of fluids to flush out excess water in your flabs and avoid foods with high sodium content.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Is this normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by prestige View Post
    I mean, do you have puffy or swollen feet? Water retention makes you look fat. Drink a lot of fluids to flush out excess water in your flabs and avoid foods with high sodium content.
    ohh lol, nope, theyre normal and yes, that's exactly what im going to do. thanks!

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