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  1. #1

    Default Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    Since he became President of the United States, there are many people that are doubtful that Barry Soetoro AKA Barrack Obama is a Christian, though he confessed that he is a Christian. Still many see him as an Islamic Marxist fraud.

    Take a look on this discovery, well its election time, we know the Romney team are aggressively attacking Obama in every angle. But this one seems legit and interesting.

    Young Barry Soetoro

    NEW YORK – As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

    Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.

    Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no God except Allah.”

    Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’

  2. #2

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    nah. people still insist he is Muslim... this is very old issue already.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    He had me at 'Hussein'.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    Really? WND as a source? I am disappoint

  5. #5

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    mura ma og gi photoshop bai eheh. pro ngano man diay og muslim bai? onsa man ang connection ana? di man siya "Pastor/Pari"

  6. #6

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    The fact that Romney has been trying to attack and stooping down at this level says a lot of Romney's personality and character. If he would win the election, then GOd bless to his countrymen (sarcasm overload included in my last statement)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill View Post
    mura ma og gi photoshop bai eheh. pro ngano man diay og muslim bai? onsa man ang connection ana? di man siya "Pastor/Pari"
    Ang connection ana mura kunuhay siyag namakak sa iyang relihiyon para mu salig ang taw niya. Pero di ko mutuo na Muslim na Obama. Mas mutuo ko Marxist na si Obama.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    Last edited by balipseyev; 10-10-2012 at 08:12 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    allah is god. tinuod bitaw.. unless complete gyud.. like "There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God" kana.. mura klarex nah kaau. but anyway.. if its a gift from his father or relative i dont see any issue here. a ring is still a ring.. unless it gets u invisible like the movie "Lord of the Rings"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    Nag-Taqiyya diay ni si igso...

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