as the title says, if you want to be on wifi business hotspot (1 km or more) then pili lang mo sa 2 antenna ako baligya both are different. omni directional antenna(Ant2415D) and directional antenna(ant2424D)..
Here's a pic for ant2415D.
Here's the link:
TL-ANT2415D - Welcome to TP-LINK
Mao sad ni ang Directional Antenna (upto 56km)
Here's the link:
TL-ANT2424B - Welcome to TP-LINK
Actual Prices for both..
Ant2415D: 2,950
Ant2424D: 2,925
Bought them last week pero postponed kay na timing tawn thesis na namo then busy na keeu.. so selling nlng nako ang duha..
Discounted Price:
Ant2415D: 2,600
Ant2424D: 2,600
PM or Post here if interested. Pwede meet up (Sure Buyer Only)