just wanna ask the people here...
-do you give or have you ever given lingerie/intimate wear as a present to friends? (most likely that you gave it to a girl, i've never given such a gift nor have i received)
-if you were to receive lingerie, what kind would you like to get?
(stockings... nightgown... pajamas... panties n bra... etc...)
-how did you or the recepient react upon receiving and learning about the lingerie?
(blushing... rejection... YES!... 'i want more!'... no reaction.. etc...)
-what kind do you usually give?
(night gown? garter belt? panty n bra? pajamas?)
-do you like to receive such gifts? (regardless of who gives it- a friend, sibling, lover)
-would you or do you use it or just hide it somewhere in your closet?