Torrent Client on WD My Book Live
update your firmware to the latest version before starting..
1. First enable SSH access to the drive by going to:
http://ipaddress/UI/ssh (replace ipaddress with the ip of your drive)
(case is sensitive)
2. Then, enable ssh.
3. Download and install Putty from
PuTTY Download Page
4. Enter your IP address and leave everything else as is.
5. Once connected use the Username: admin, Password: welc0me
6. Then run the following command to install the feature pack manager (be carefull, it is a single line ) :
cd /root;wget -q -O /root/;sh /root/
Then wait for the feature pack manager to install ... you should receive a message saying Install Completed once its done ..
7. Connect to the feature pack manager by going to
8. The password is: welc0me
9. You can then choose which packs you want to install etc ..