Helpdesk Implement Website Ticket Support and FAQ Service

I am working in a customer support department, so I have seen many types of complaint. The range of complains can be pretty wide, it covers the areas such as products, plan, staff? behaviors, bonus, services??..etc.

So, what should we do then? Well, we should let them express their feeling and dissatisfaction.In order to ensure our work efficiency,we even should use technology skill to deal with customer's trouble ticket.

Therefore,effective FREE PHP&MySQL helpdesk software(Free Trial of iKode HelpDesk X) not only provide trouble ticket management but also implement FAQ knowledge base management.

FAQ Knowledge Base:

1.Provide 24/7 technical support to customers through a company's website

2.Give customers chance to find userful information for themselves automaticly

3.Enrich the content of your online website

4.Improve Google Ranking through articles sharing

Trouble Ticket Management:

-Create, manage, and overlook unlimited staff members, departments, and tickets.

-Configure powerful auto-replies and populate the built-in knowledge base.

-Generate ticket statistics by departments and users.

-Keep track of tasks with personal tickets.

-Intercept common ticket issues by offering solutions from the knowledge base.