In VR-Zone we continuously strive to provide you with the highest quality and most accurate product reviews. Thoroughly and accurately testing a power supply is a complicated matter, not only because the testing has to be done in a controlled environment and with full control over the power load but also because laboratory grade instruments have to be used for taking readings.
For that purpose, we performed major hardware and software upgrades on the testing station that we have been using for the past couple of years. In order to be able to fully control our testing procedures and emulate real world conditions as closely as possible, we upgraded our reading instruments and replaced our resistive loads with fully electronic loads, thus achieving quality and accuracy in line with the most expensive of power supply testers currently available.In order to create a real-world environment for our testing we decided to modify and use a common SECC steel tower case for housing the power supplies during our testing. Inside the case we installed three Watlow Firerods, rated at 500W power each, the output of which is being controlled by a common AC rheostat.The stock rheostat and its axle have been replaced with a multi-turn precision rheostat for accuracy, driven by a DC motor with a modified speed control circuit which is controlled by our CompuLAB interface and custom software. In layman's terms, we only have to enter our desired ambient temperature in our software and it automatically adjusts the power of the Firerods to match it throughout our testing.