Enliven your photography skills by joining in some competitions..this thread is intended for all competition announcement may it be local or international..if you know some upcoming events please feel free to share it here :mrgreen:
I'll start..
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Amazing Smile Photography Competition!
This month sees Cebu Pacific celebrating our 11th anniversary! Despite having the youngest fleet in Asia, Cebu Pacific Air is actually 11 years old — and we are moving from strength to strength with exhilarating speed.
We are marking our birthday this year the best way we know how: by hearing from YOU! We are proud that Cebu Pacific has made travel more available to everyone around the country, and to celebrate, we want you to send us your favorite destination photos!
Exclusively for Smile readers, we are holding a competition to find the best destination photo and description. The photo can be a holiday snap, an amazing shot of your hometown or it could be inspired by having visitors yourself. Whatever great pictures you have, we would like to see them!
Points are awarded for:
• Composition — 20%
• Artistic merit — 30%
• Originality — 30%
• Execution (exposure, sharpness) — 20%
There will be one grand winner and 10 runners-up — 11 winners in total for each of Cebu Pacific’s 11 years — and many great prizes up for grabs as well!
The competition will be judged by the Editor of Smile, Ink Publishing’s Picture Editor and Creative Director, as well as legendary Filipino photographer John Chua.
The closing date is 31 March 2007 and the winning photos will be published in the June/July 2007 issue of Smile. We want to see your photos in low resolution format jpegs (72dpi, 600 pixels in length or width). Email us at
cebu.ed@ink-publishing.com or send your mail to:
SMILE Photography Competition Ink Publishing, 97B Amoy Street, Singapore, 069917 Finalists will be contacted for the high resolution images. Please note, we cannot return any photographs or be responsible for anything that was sent in the post.
The competition is open to everyone. INK and Cebu Pacific Air reserves the right to make the final decision and print the photos as we see fit.