Super-C -- An Amazing Nutrient
What this country has needed for a long time is an amazing nutrient that is easy to swallow and can slow aging, minimize heart disease, aid recovery from dozens of infections and degenerative ailments, and inoculate us against countless health problems that stem from emotional stress and environmental pollutants. Happily, such an amazing nutrient does exist, and we have it in the form of SUPER-C ! !
Most people
sell vitamin C in the ascorbic acid form(only 15 to 25% is absorbed bythe body), not the sodium ascorbate form(95% is absorbed by the body).
Super-C is formulated using sodium ascorbate, the form that has been used in the research by Dr. Linus Pauling and the form of vitamin C he recommends. This is one of the things that enhances our Super-C above the competitions.
Among its many biochemical reactions, Super-C has been shown to promote the healing of wounds, ranging from small nicks to large cuts.
By ridding the body of accumulations of heavy metals (such as lead, cadmium, and nickel) and pollutants found in air, food, and water, Super-C acts as a useful environmental protector.
-Super-C is
nature’s drug fighter. It can help people withdraw from various drugs ranging from prescribed mood changers to addictive substances such as heroin. Super-C can also help reverse bad side effects from drugs that are necessary to some individual’s existence.
reduces insulin requirements. In less severe cases, Super-C may even enable diabetics to control their ailment by diet alone.
-The antihistamine action of
Super-C can enable people to tolerate foods they otherwise could not eat.
-Most because of its direct effect on
collagen, Super-C has shown a remarkable capacity to help knit bone and to wage battle against such supposedly hopeless bone disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis and osteogenesis imperfecta.
-Super-C helps to ease mental stress. Anxiety drastically reduces the body’s vitamin C level. When good levels are restored, psychological stability returns and one is protected against stress-related disorders.
Super-C can enhance your sexual performance by abetting the healthy functioning of the endocrine glands.
-Super-C neutralizes some carcinogens. Cured meats and many other food products are preserved with some potentially dangerous additives. Super-C blocks the reaction between nitrates and proteins, so the cancer implicated nitrosamines are not formed.
-By inhibiting tartar formation, Super-C prevents periodontal damage, that is, gum, socket, and jawbone problems that are far more serious than cavities.
-Sufferers from so-called iron-poor blood, can enjoy renewed energy when they fortify with Super-C along with their iron supplement.
Super-C has can help
-safeguard the heart and the entire vascular system, including the arteries, veins, and smaller capillaries.
protect against Glaucoma, a principle cause of blindness.
protect the body against flu, bronchitis, respiratory problems, and other viral infections.
cut cravings for sweets and help to control a wayward appetite.
control many kinds of pain, including low-back pain, it is a natural anesthetic.
aid in recovery from serious kidney diseases.
the discomfort of arthritis.
improve the quality of life of multiple sclerosis victims.
combat many other disorders.
When taken after meals Super-C helps to end constipation and shrink hemorrhoids.
What other vitamin have you heard of that can help do all of the above?
for more info go to the link below: