Apply to australia as a skilled immigrant without hiring a Migration Agent.
I stumbled upon this blog, this guy is from Cebu and he initially hired an agent, but no longer continued the agent's service kay later na niya narealize na sayun ra jud kaau if kibaw ra ka mubasa. ing-ana ka simple.
Though tinuod, Australian immigration process is more complicated than Canada, I know coz my sister applied for canada through an agent. Mas kuti ang australia nya mas mahal. But ang nindot sa australian skilled immigration compared sa canada kay wla show money girequire for australia.
mao ni blog sa ako amigo,
shortcut nalang ni for helpful reference, dire makita unsa kadugay iya pagapply ug unsa mga buhatunon matag-bulan.
Towards Australia: How long it might take you
dire, kung pila magasto
Towards Australia: How much you might spend
dire ang tip sa preparation sa ielts, uu kinanglanun ang IELTS
Towards Australia: IELTS Preparation
mao ni iya results! kuyawa bataa
Towards Australia: My IELTS exam results
i used his blog and got my visa granted as well. wahooo kasave ko 60k sa immigration agent fee.
Just visited the blog today and guess what, more updates na mas makatabang ninyo (di nako apil kay naabot naman ko dire Australia. hehe)
Nya lingaw pud kay daghan magpost comments nya magtinabangay answer ug questions.