It is about time this Forum regains its respectability and intelligence. But at the rate this one poster variously named Tempest and Tempest 2 and whatever else romps with his/her shameless fanatical propaganda, I now believe this Forum will further be drawn closer each day to shamelessness, fanaticism and mindlessness.
I am all for the discussion of the merits of pro- and anti-GMA feelings. But such discussion has now deteriorated to name-calling and enterprising propaganda effort. So I decided to boycott all threads with posts by the so-called tempest and tempest 2 and other styles. You too can do the same thing if you so desire peace, maturity, balance and intelligence. Discussing with this person is a waste of time, self-respect and enlightenment:
1. tempest did call this Forum biased simply because his bias was a bit overwhelmed by other biases. This is simply insanity.
2. tempest did call anything and everything biased --- from newspapers to magazines to personalities --- simply because they did not fit to the mold of his running amok with innuendoes, misconceptions and plain erroneous assumptions.
3. tempest did call for boycott.
So why should I read him? And why should you read him? It is now time to remove or impeach this agitator from this Forum and stop all the abuses of this poster before it ruins our day.