continue with your own i think's and all the thinks you can think.
look at this poem as an initial to yours.
so it'll become a one big poem that you could always append your short pieces to.
so it's like adding to the poem. may it be a line or two to a paragraph to a novel. hope you got it. :mrgreen:

I think there's much more to life than calculating spillage or adding and subtracting numbers from receipts and expenses.
much more than wealth.
i think there are millions and billions more to words.
much more than what's much.
the vastness of life is unfathomable.
and i think that's still an understatement.
much more than celery sticks and music and lyrics.
the world is more than my oyster, much more than my galaxy.
the earth may seem round but it is boundless.
naming it a planet it would sound foolish and desperate.
life is everything.
but what is everything?
it seems senseless to give it meaning.
that's when words fail. and all that's left is feeling.
feelings no labels could capture.
yet in beings eager and hungry for definition it lies therein.
in life-long search for things with parameter and certitude
our minds and bodies thus serve in vain.
for all is vanity.
for things we seek are all the while within.
a whole of a whole.
there is nothing to describe all but one;
one but all.
a declaration of life within life.

[continue your own after here]

[start with your "i think's" or whatever you think will be appropriate after the last line.]