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  1. #1

    Thumbs up INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    Earning money is only the beginning in our journey of life. Getting Started in Investing is for people who would like to know and get a Basic Overview of financial securities out there for the everyday Juan - from BONDS, STOCKS, MUTUAL FUNDS, INSURANCE, and VUL.

    This event will help a regular employee to understand the investment process based on their current lifestage, where they want to go, get a basic overview of the different investment vehicles, the appropriate vehicle for their financial goals.


    Enjoy the early bird rate of P500 until June 15, 2012! Regular rate is P650. As Robert Kiyosaki said, academic qualification is important and so with your financial education. Unfortunately, financial education is something not offered in schools. So, hurry and avail of this opportunity to take charge your personal finances by learning the basics.

    About the Speaker:
    Honeycomb Finance Consultancy | Blog: People in Honeycomb.

    Registration procedures are:

    1. Deposit payment to:
    BPI Checking Account: 1350-0089-57
    Account Name: Honeycomb Finance Consultancy

    After making the deposit, email scanned copy of deposit slip to with your NAME, CONTACT NUMBER, COMPANY.


    2. You can visit us at The Eagles Branch, RD Flr., Pioneer House Cebu (same building as Accenture), Cebu Business Park, Cebu City and register personally.

    For more information, you may call us at (032)239-5225 or text us at 0922-823-2782. Look for Chona.
    Last edited by honey2723; 06-04-2012 at 01:58 AM. Reason: new date and time

  2. #2

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    If you are going to offer products especially with the current company you are in, you might like to offer your seminars for free, just my two cents though...

  3. #3

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    @jhanjhan - thank you for your two cents... I appreciate that.. I did think about that.. But whether you believe it or not, the products of the companies that i do offer are MINOR parts of the seminar only. I only mention it when needed. EDUCATION is really the goal here. You can ask previous attendees if you want. Unfortunately, none of them are istoryans...

    The reason why I placed a fee for this is so that people who do attend will value the money they put in it (an investment) and the time they spent there. So far, I tried giving FREE seminars, and unfortunately, people who did come, were enlightened but didn't ACT on their enlightenment. To be fair on MY time and effort as well, THUS A PAID SEMINAR... I hope you do get my point as well... And this is my business. Nobody is paying me to do this. And one way for me to be compensated for my effort in coming up with these kind of seminars is to have a paid seminar. I have paid a significant amount of time and money in coming up with my materials and I think it's only fair that I share my knowledge to those who are willing to pay for their education as well.


    Anyway, I'd like to invite everyone to another round of INVESTMENT 101 on June 23, 2012, 2pm-6pm. On-site registration is 1:30pm. Same venue. Enjoy the early bird rate of P500 until June 15. Regular rate is P650.

    Same registration procedures and contact numbers and person...

    Hope to have some istoryans as participants in this round.. I assure you, you won't regret your investment...

  4. #4

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    nice fyi hope i can attend it... but still don't have time and money

  5. #5

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    walay free ani?

  6. #6

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    no free for now..

    just an FYI.. this seminar is actually part of our fund-raising for our son's open heart surgery.. Proceeds for this seminar will go to the fund needed.. By attending this seminar, you're not only learning a thing or two about the BASICS of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE and VUL, but helping save a life as well...

    I've posted our other fund-raising activities in other sections,

    So, guys, I hope you understand why we can't give free seminars for now... Thank you!

  7. #7

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    "BEFORE a parent could raise 10 children, TODAY the 10 children cannot raise a parent.
    BEFORE the father works, mother raises 10 kids. TODAY, even if both husband and wife works, they can hardly raise 2 or 3 kids.
    BEFORE good earners low spenders were well-off. TODAY, high earners low spenders are in debt.
    BEFORE one source income was enough. TODAY, having multiple income streams is a necessity."
    - source: IMG Bookmark

    Times are changing but money rules stays the same for the majority. It;s time to unlearn old money concepts and learn what should be practiced TODAY..

    Saving money in the bank during our parents' time was okay but not these days. Find out way in INVESTMENT 101...

  8. #8

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    up for today!

  9. #9

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    this is nice...

  10. #10

    Default Re: INVESTMENT 101 - Basic Overview of BONDS, STOCKS, MF, INSURANCE, and VUL

    up ko ani boss..

  11.    Advertisement

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