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    Default A Healthy One...

    Health is more important than everything. We should protect it before its too late.

    When eating healthfully seems like a chore, it’s often because we are slaves of our taste buds. Our tongues can be like little dictators in our body, demanding that everything have sugar, chocolate, oils, butter, cream…The list goes on. Why do we crave just those things that we’re supposed to eat in moderation? Why don’t healthy things like greens and steamed vegetables give us that “feel-good” feeling? And what’s the solution—is there actually a way to enjoy and love healthy foods without being a gourmet chef?The answer is a resounding YES! Here are five simple things you can do to train your taste buds and savor the flavor of your vegetables

    1. Leave off the salt and spices.

    Most of what you read about making healthy food tasty is about covering it up with spices. It’s wonderful to know how to cook, and how to use a variety of spices, but it’s also a little like resigning yourself to the fact that steamed vegetables or salads are “tasteless” and that something must be done to them to make them palatable. This is actually so far from the truth! Every single real food—that is, unprocessed food—has a unique taste. If you think it’s tasteless, it’s because your taste buds are, well, spoiled.
    What would you think of a wine or beer connoisseur who liberally mixed in a spoonful of sugar in his wine or beer before tasting it “to cover up the bitterness”? What about a coffee fanatic who adds sugar and cream liberally before trying out the latest organic flavor from the Andes mountains? You would never see that happen because those people have trained their taste buds to distinguish minor nuances in their drinks. They savor every flavor that comes through and delight in the experience of sensing something new.

    2. Don’t overcook.

    Overcooking vegetables not only reduces the vitamin content, but also turns everything into an unappetizing mush. Cooked vegetables have the most flavor and are healthiest when their colors are the brightest—that is, lightly steamed. Texture and smell are an important part of flavor. Learn to appreciate the texture and feel of each vegetable along with the taste.

    3. Eat vegetables in isolation.

    This is not a rule to be followed all the time. It’s just a suggestion to help you pay attention to the flavor of a vegetable in a way you might not have before. Eating carrots by themselves will make you aware of flavors in the carrot that you wouldn’t sense if they were mixed with other vegetables. You can try this even with vegetables that are never normally eaten in isolation, like lettuce. Contrary to popular belief, iceberg lettuce does have a flavor despite its high water content! Can you taste it?

    4. Mentally separate flavors when eating salads or other dishes.

    When you do eat prepared dishes with many ingredients, see if you can identify the contribution each ingredient makes to the overall taste. Can you separate the olive oil from the potatoes and the rosemary from the carrots? Incidentally, this will not only increase your enjoyment of your food, it will also make you a better cook!

    5. Close your eyes and guess the green.

    When you buy a mix of greens for a salad, like a Spring Mix which usually includes various kind of lettuce as well as greens like chard and arugula, try to learn the names of the different kinds of leaves. Learn each taste separately and then make it a game to identify the leaf with your eyes closed. There will definitely be some that you don’t like as much as others, but you may be surprised how many greens actually have a sweet crunchy flavor that’s enjoyable. Make a resolution to try the ones you don’t like a minimum of 5 times—many of my favorite foods were acquired tastes that I didn’t initially like at all.

    Your taste buds are just receptors for various substances in your food. When you train your taste buds, you’re really training your mind. The five senses get stronger with practice and training and the sense of taste is no exception. It’s not just for gastronomic experts—training taste buds will help anyone struggling to eat healthy. What a delight it is when your food is not only good for you, but tastes good, too!

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    Is It worth Losing Sleep Over?

    It still remains a mystery what happens when we sleep, but according to recent research, sleep is far more significant then scientists previously thought. Studies have shown that good-quality sleep is closely linked to good health, both mental and physical. Some research also ties good sleep to a healthy immune system and a longer life expectancy.

    Many of us have ‘sleep dept’-lack of sleep built up over days, weeks and months. On average, most people need about an hour’s sleep for every two hours that they are awake. Research with volunteers points that nowadays fewer and fewer people are getting the sleep they need.
    It easy to see how this happens. We live in a 24 hour a day society, with too much to do and too little time to do it in. We work longer hours than ever. We sleep an hour and a half less per night than our grandparents did. But does it matter? Yes. Sleep dept is dangerous. Just think of drivers who fall asleep at the wheel, p,llpts who are too tired to land planes safely, doctors and surgeons who do their job badly because they are exhausted.

  3. #3
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    6 Super Nourishment For Women

    The dietitians say that If the women eat these 6 super nourishment which are contribute to balanced diet, in three times a week, they will be healthy as long as they live.

    Here! There are some offers which are suggested by dietitans to eat properly. ”6 super nourishment and their advantages”

    Low in Fat Yogurt

    It hasn’t been proved yet but there are some claims that low in fat yogurt reduces risk of breast cancer. Also, experts say that the good bacteria in yogurt is beneficial to human healthy. It contributes to working of bowels and digestive system and helps it. Also, it reduces the risks of stomach ulcer and vaginal infection.

    Fatty Fish

    Fishes which can be eaten three times a week, have the most important element called Omega-3 lipits. Variety of fish – sardinia, salmon etc.- strengthen cell membrane. Moreover they prevent the human health from depression, heart trouble, arthralgia and hypertension


    The women must eat it at least three times a week because of great advantage of its. Bean is rich in protein and fiber so that it can reduces the risk of breast cancer. Also, it contributes to being balanced of estrogen hormones. According to International Journal of Cancer which is a scientific journal , kinds of beans and lentil prevent the women from breast cancer.

    Tomato and other red fruits (water melon, concord grape, blood orange etc.)

    The women must eat tomato and red fruits at least three times a week in order to healthy diet. Lycopene which is antioxidant reduces not only the men’s risk of prostate cancer but also women’s risk of breast cancer.

    Vitamin D and Orange jucie

    The women need a great amount of vitamin D in a day. The calcium need occluding by bowels. Vitamin D reduces risks of unfavourable causes such as diabete, osteoporosis multiple sclerosis (MS) and breast, colon and ovarian cancer. University California proved benefit of vitamin D based on studies.

    Strawberry and Blackberry

    Strawberry, black berry, cranberry and raspberry have an anti cancerogenic speciality like a wine. The anthocyans reduce risks of breast, stomach, bowel. These Fruits are rich in vitamin C and folic acid. Moreover they contribute to healthy skin.

  4. #4
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    Effects of Smoking:

    There are three harmful substance in cigarettes: tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. Cigarette smokers who inhale the smoke, or breathe it in, can develop lung cancer. Other smokers who only talk the smoke into their mouths cab suffer from throat, tongue and larynx cancers. The substance which causes cancer is the tar brands of cigarettes to reduce the dangers. Certain forms of filter can also help. However, nothing can completely eliminate, i.e., remove the tar without changing the taste of cigarette completely.

    The effects of carbon monoxide are perhaps more serious because they can cause permanent damage-damage which lasts for a very long time – on others besides the smokers themselves. Increased carbon monoxide intake automatically means reduced oxygen intake, and consequently a lower oxygen content sb the blood and the brain. An oxygen-starved brain (a brain without anough oxygen) be begins to die.
    It is true that cigarette snokers beed cigarettes. Of course they do not actively choose to harm themselves and others, but they are forced to do so because of their dependence on the strong and fast-acting stimulant called nicotine. In other words, they can not do without it. People who smoke frequently claim that smoking makes them feel calm and sootes their nerves, but this is a physiological impossibility, not a real effect at all. Actually it appears to be the psychological consequence of satisfying a need because cigarettes, like coffee and tea, are arousing agents and they make people more nervous, not less
    Last edited by ashira; 04-15-2012 at 10:26 AM.

  5. #5
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    6 Power Foods You Should Be Eating

    Some foods just aren't taken seriously.

    Consider celery, for example—forever the garnish, never the main meal. You might even downgrade it to bar fare, since the only stalks most guys eat are served alongside hot wings or immersed in Bloody Marys.

    All of which is a shame, really. Besides being a perfect vehicle for peanut butter, this vegetable contains bone-beneficial silicon and cancer-fighting phenolic acids. And those aren't even what makes celery so good for you.

    You see, celery is just one of six underappreciated and undereaten foods that can instantly improve your diet. Make a place for them on your plate, and you'll gain a new respect for the health benefits they bestow—from lowering blood pressure to fighting belly fat. And the best part? You'll discover just how delicious health food can be.


    This water-loaded vegetable has a rep for being all crunch and no nutrition. But ditch that mindset: Celery contains stealth nutrients that heal.

    Why it's healthy: "My patients who eat four sticks of celery a day have seen modest reductions in their blood pressure—about 6 points systolic and 3 points diastolic," says Mark Houston, M. D., director of the Hypertension Institute at St. Thomas Hospital, in Nashville. It's possible that phytochemicals in celery, called phthalides, are responsible for this health boon. These compounds relax muscle tissue in artery walls and increase bloodflow, according to nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph. D., author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. And beyond the benefits to your BP, celery also fills you up—with hardly any calories.

    How to eat it: Try this low-carbohydrate, protein-packed recipe for a perfect snack any time of day.

    In a bowl, mix a 4.5-ounce can of low-sodium tuna (rinsed and drained), 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1/4 cup of finely chopped onion, 1/4 cup of finely chopped apple, 2 tablespoons of fat-free mayonnaise, and some fresh ground pepper. Then spoon the mixture into celery stalks. (Think tuna salad on a log.) Makes 2 servings

    Per serving: 114 calories, 15 grams protein, 12 grams carbohydrates (3 grams fiber), 1 gram fat

  6. #6
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    While this algae is a popular health food in Japan, it rarely makes it into U. S. homes.

    Why it's healthy: There are four classes of seaweeds—green, brown, red, and blue-green—and they're all packed with healthful nutrients. "Seaweeds are a great plant source of calcium," says nutritionist Alan Aragon, M.S. They're also loaded with potassium, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood-pressure levels. "Low potassium and high sodium intake can cause high blood pressure," Bowden says. "Most people know to limit sodium, but another way to combat the problem is to take in more potassium."

    How to eat it: In sushi, of course. You can also buy sheets of dried seaweed at Asian groceries, specialty health stores, or online at Use a coffee grinder to grind the sheets into a powder. Then use the powder as a healthy salt substitute that's great for seasoning salads and soups.

  7. #7
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    Hemp Seeds

    Despite the Cannabis classification, these seeds aren't for smoking. But they may provide medicinal benefits.

    Why they're healthy: "Hemp seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke," says Cassandra Forsythe, Ph. D., a nutrition researcher at the University of Connecticut. What's more, a 1-ounce serving of the seeds provides 11 grams of protein—but not the kind of incomplete protein found in most plant sources. Hemp seeds provide all the essential amino acids, meaning the protein they contain is comparable to that found in meat, eggs, and dairy.

    How to eat them: Toss 2 tablespoons of the seeds into your oatmeal or stir-fry. Or add them to your postworkout shake for an extra dose of muscle-building protein.

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    Do you often forget things that you’re sure you know? Is it hard to concentrate on complex assignments? Do you get less than six hours of sleep a night?

    If so, you’re probably not getting enough sleep. That’s right; lack of sleep can hinder you from thinking clearly and keeping your emotions at an even keel. Studies show that excessive sleepiness can hurt work performance, wreak havoc on relationships, and lead to mood problems like anger and depression.
    Why Don’t People Value Sleep?
    Most people who don’t get enough sleep don’t recognize the toll that it takes on their cognitive and mental health.

    Many people think of sleep simply as a luxury -- a little downtime. They know they feel better when they get a good night’s sleep and worse when they don’t. But sleep actually improves learning, memory, and insight.

    “You’re putting energy in the bank when you go to sleep,” says Barry Krakow, MD, medical director of Maimonides Sleep Arts and Sciences, Ltd. in Albuquerque, N.M., and author of Sound Sleep, Sound Mind: 7 Keys to Sleeping Through the Night. “On a cellular level, the body is literally repairing and restoring itself. Without it, you can’t do what you want -- physically or mentally.”

    And catching up on your sleep is a bigger job than many people realize. If you get less than six hours of sleep a night for a week, for example, you’ll rack up a full night’s sleep debt -- too much to make up for with a few hours extra sleep on the weekend.

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    The Impact of Chronic Sleepiness:

    People who are sleep deprived often say they feel “foggy.” Here are three reasons.

    1. Sleepiness slows down your thought processes. Scientists measuring sleepiness have found that sleep deprivation leads to lower alertness and concentration. It’s more difficult to focus and pay attention, so you’re more easily confused. This hampers your ability to perform tasks that require logical reasoning or complex thought.

    Sleepiness also impairs judgment. Making decisions is more difficult because you can’t assess situations as well and pick the right behavior.

    2. Excessive sleepiness impairs memory. Research suggests that the nerve connections that make our memories are strengthened during sleep. “Sleep embeds the things that we have learned and experienced over the course of the day into our short-term memory,” says Avelino Verceles, MD, assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and director of the school’s sleep medicine fellowship.

    It appears that different phases of sleep play different roles in consolidating new information into memories. If your sleep is cut short or disrupted, it interferes with these cycles.

    When you’re sleepy, you may forget and misplace things often. And the inability to focus and concentrate caused by sleepiness further weakens memory. “If you’re not able to concentrate on what’s at hand, it’s not going to make it into your short-term memory and then long-term memory,” says Allison T. Siebern, PhD, a Fellow in the Insomnia and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center.

    3. Poor sleep makes learning difficult. Sleep deprivation affects your ability to learn in two ways. Because you can’t focus as well, it’s more difficult to pick up information, so you can’t learn efficiently. It also affects memory, which is essential to learning. In children, sleepiness can lead to hyperactivity, also hampering learning. Teens may lose the focus, diligence, and memory capacity to perform well in school.

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    Sleep and Weight Gain:

    Will better sleep help you avoid extra pounds?

    Think about it: If you’re feeling sleepy at work, you may be tempted to reach for a cup of coffee (or several cups) and a doughnut for a quick shot of energy. Later you may skip the gym and pick up takeout on your way home to your family -- no time to cook. When you finally find yourself back in your bed, you are too wound up to sleep.

    It’s a vicious cycle, and eventually this sleep deprivation can sabotage your waistline and your health.

    It starts out innocently enough. “When you have sleep deprivation and are running on low energy, you automatically go for a bag of potato chips or other comfort foods,” saysSusan Zafarlotfi, PhD, clinical director of the Institute for Sleep and Wake Disorders at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

    The immediate result? You may be able to fight off sleepiness. The ultimate result? Unwanted pounds as poor food choices coupled with lack of exercise set the stage for obesity and further sleep loss.

    “Sleep debt is like credit card debt,” Zafarlotfi says. “If you keep accumulating credit card debt, you will pay high interest rates or your account will be shut down until you pay it all off. If you accumulate too much sleep debt, your body will crash.”

    Not getting enough sleep is common -- even talked about with pride -- in the U.S. “We brag about an all-nighter, but we do pay a price for staying up late and getting up early,” says Mark Mahowald, MD, director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center in Hennepin County.

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