Hello Guys, I am just excited on my Small Size Miniature Pincher, She's almost 2 years old and she's a pcci registered with 20 red marks and 7 green marks, I know that markings are not the 100% proof of a quality Dogs but it helps a lot of determining the blood line and her health issues, Because of her size, Her height is only 71/2 " to 8", I have some Questions to my fellow dog lovers, Breeders who had experiences in this matters, BTW, I did talked to her Vet already if it's OK to Breed her and the Vet said that its OK,Shes very healthy without any Health issue, My purpose is to have some other opinions more especially to you guys to had more experience in this flied, " If I will Breed Her" My questions are as follows:
1) Should I look for a Smaller Male that is similar to her size?
2) If a Standard Size will Stud her does it causes problem in her future delivery?
" I wanted to prevent a caesarian operation "
3) To breed her Does this causes danger to her life?
To all of you who had the experiences and the knowledge, Please let me have your advise ,
Thank you so much in advance for those of you who share you knowledge, it help me a lot to make the right decision and to our other fellow dog lovers who had similar cases.