I'm seeing a lot of ridicule going towards the Honda CB110 and it's tiny 110cc engine that looks like a mouse in cage mounted on the motorcycle's big bike wannabe body. I'm fascinated at this reaction, especially since a lot of the negative comments are coming from so-called motorcycle enthusiasts.
I've always been an "optimize all the things" kind of guy. My first computer, I got it first year high school, used it even after college. My main computer, a weakling netbook that dual boots and runs a virtualizing program I use to run multiple OS's under one OS. Thus, when I see the CB110, I can't help but admire it.
You see, it's a 110cc engine running like a 125cc. While it's performance profile is at the 125cc level, it's fuel efficiency is down at the 110cc level too! The mechanicals are pretty basic but also solid - I've never been a fan of overdone mechanicals, they're just expensive maintenance waiting to happen. And the small engine hiding under that "big" body, let's talk about that...
When I was younger, I read Jurassic Park: The Lost World. In one of the chapters, a mechanic explains to a scientist that the engine of an all-terrain car they were inspecting consisted of nothing more than a block of metal the size of a shoe box. AN ENGINE THE SIZE OF A SHOEBOX. Isn't that awesome?
So when I saw the CB110 and realize the optimization they worked on that little engine to give it enough 'oomph' to challenge 125cc motorcycles, it's almost geektastic!
Of course, of course - bigger engines, better blah blahblah blah blah... That's not impressive. That's like saying Shaq was a better player than MJ because he could dunk with more power. Of course he could, he's huge! I'm much more impressed by tiny players taking over and 'dominating' the court. Why? Because it's optimization at it's finest! Take what you have and take it further than where popular opinion thinks it should stay at.
So yeah, I'm impressed with the CB110. Small engine, great engineering, impressive optimization. I don't see what all these mechanically minded people are whining at. It's tiny profile is what is so impressive about it, that's what I see!
But that's just me, I'm an optimization freak. I guess engine size freaks wouldn't be impressed. Whatever. I'm of the opinion that it's not the size of the tool, it's how you use it.