One of the most frustrating things when you're at a trade show isn't the crowds, the noise of even the bad lighting when you're trying to take pictures, but actually the Perspex used to cover the hardware, so apologies for the fairly poor pictures of Sapphire's otherwise utterly and totally over the top graphics cards. For whatever reason, Sapphire decided to demo a pair of Radeon HD 7970 cards with 6GB of memory each at CeBIT and the company is considering going with these cards for its next Toxic branded model.
We highly doubt that there's any reason whatsoever to make a graphics card with 6GB's of GDDR5 memory on a 384-bit wide bus, but hey, someone's going to buy it, as more is always better, right? Beyond sporting an insane amount of onboard memory, Sapphire has also designed a different looking cooler and shroud for these cards as you can see in the pictures.
On the top edge of the cards is a re-designed BIOS switch, which is now a push button with a nice blue LED in it. The cards also feature a few diagnostics LEDs spread across the top edge of the card. The power input is via a pair of 8-pin power connectors, so overclockers should hopefully be satisfied as well. Sapphire is expecting a GPU core clock of 1200MHz or more when these cards eventually appear in retail. We can only apologise for the quality of the pictures, but sadly, Sapphire didn't have a card in the back for us to look at.