How to fix my internet connection? akong gi ang status its connected but if mu acces q ug web there a message says "ur not connected" i try to turn on/off the router but the same any suggestion wat to do?
How to fix my internet connection? akong gi ang status its connected but if mu acces q ug web there a message says "ur not connected" i try to turn on/off the router but the same any suggestion wat to do?
check your physical connection. ayaw pag base sa router. check mismo sa imo pc if naa jd net. open ka cmd, then ping or google. if naa gani reply, naa ka connection, if wala, check your LAN settings. BTW, unsai ISP nimo?
bro try to check your connection settings...try cmd, then type ipconfig.. ipconfig /all then check if naka pick up ba ug IP from your router imong PC...if wla gani...try to troubleshoot...
Actually im not good in internet connection bro hehehe but nag explore explore raku so far unsay usually settings sa LAN ani? ang ISP k Aztech wa man q sa pinas ron naa ko Malaysia mao na ang ilang ISP is AZTECH mi ask man gud akong friend nganung iyang laptop dili na ka access sa net but when i tried to plug my broadband mu dagan man ang internet so akong gi visit ilang house and use there connection via laptop i found out na ang wireless internet nila connected man but when i tried to open a web dili ka access so ang problema ang ilang internet connection coz akong g access sad ang main computer nga naka attach ang internet router same sad dili q ka access ug internet
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