Intel i3-2100 (3.1Ghz ) 4,950
ECS H61H2-M2 Motherboard DDR3/PCIE - 2,295
Memory DDR3 2GB 1333Mhz Kingston 550
Casing Tommade TC802 Micro-ATX w/ 500W PSU 895
SATA 320GIG Seagate 7200rpm 3,495
--------------------------------------------Total 12,185 (plus 2.5%) = 12,489
Either LED 15.6" BenQ G610HDAL / AOC 1620sw 2,895 = 15,816
CRT Monitor from (Buy and sell section) = 700 = 13,189
1 GB Nvidia GeForce 440 128bit DDR3 2762 = 15951
Naa ra na nimo TS if mo 2o ka ani nga set up o dili,. hahaha,. prices are ripped from GI's pricelist,. im not quite confident about this setup, especially the vid card,....
wait lang ta sa mga experts,. hope this helped though
EDIT: Kuwang pa d i ni keyboard/mouse,. lol ug AVR