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    Default Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    This is a list of facts and anecdotes that have a science-related slant. They are items of trivia that people all seem to know and share whenever the opportunity arises. But, at the List Universe we like to get our facts straight – and the items on this list are all dead wrong! Enjoy our thorough debunking of some of the silliest facts attributed to science.


    False Fact: A scientific study on peanuts in bars found traces of over 100 unique specimens of urine.

    After rigorous searching for more information, it turns out that no scientific study (or non-scientific study for that matter) has ever been conducted in to peanuts at bars. However, there was a study in ice-cubes in UK bars in 2003 which discovered that 44% of ice cubes tested contained coliform bacteria – bacteria that comes from human poop. Even more shockingly, 5% were infected with the potentially deadly E. Coli bacteria. I guess that proves that they aren’t making their ice cubes from bottled water. So, next time you are in London, pass on the ice and enjoy some peanuts instead.

    Elevator Freefall

    False Fact: Elevators have killed or can kill when their cable snapped

    There is a small element of truth to this “fact” – but we will get to that soon. Firstly, elevators usually have a minimum of four operating cables, as well as an inbuilt braking system and a backup braking system in the shaft which forces a wedge into the shaft to prevent too rapid a drop. If the cables were all to snap (and believe me, elevator cables are strong), the cars braking system would detect the free fall and automatically apply. If that also fails, the shaft’s braking system takes over. Now, the small element of truth I mentioned earlier is that there has been one recorded account of a complete elevator free fall; it was caused by an airplane which crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945. The crash caused the cables in the elevator to be weakened – ultimately leading to them breaking. The person riding the lift (Betty Lou Oliver) survived the 75 floor free fall because of air pressure beneath the car.

    Folding Paper

    False Fact: You can’t fold a piece of paper in half more than 7 times

    This is one we all hear regularly – and we believe it because it is true when we tried it. But, in 2002 a US high school student Britney Gallivan proved it wrong by folding a piece of thing gold leaf more than 7 times with the use of tweezers. To further prove that it could be done, she bought a giant roll of toilet paper on the internet and her and her family took it to the local mall where they attempted to fold it more than 7 times. Seven hours of folding later, they had it folded into 12 folds.

    Jumping Elephants

    False Fact: Elephants are the only mammal that can’t jump

    First of all, just so you know, it is true that adult elephants can’t jump – if by jumping we mean the state of having no feet on the ground at the same time after propelling oneself from a stationary position. But contrary to the popular myth that it is is the only mammal that can’t, it is joined by a few others. Firstly, the sloth is unable to jump which suits its lazy lifestyle rather well. Also, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses also cannot jump, though unlike elephants, when they run it is possible for them to have all four feet off the ground.

    Old Dogs

    False Fact: One dog year is equal to seven human years

    This bogus fact is usually worked out so that a dog life is equal to a human life in total years, but the numbers just don’t add up. The average human life expectancy is 78, while the average dog life expectancy (in false dog years) would equal around 90 years. Furthermore, different dog breeds have dramatically different life expectancies, ranging from a short 6 years to 13 or more years (in general, the smaller the dog, the longer its life expectancy). Furthermore, dogs have a very short “childhood” and a very long middle-age, making the comparison completely invalid.

    Offer To Buy

    False Fact: If someone wrongly advertises goods for the wrong price, they have to sell it to you at that price

    This is a very popular misconception and I have even seen people arguing about it in a shop. But the reality is a little more bland. A shop price is an “invitation to bargain” not an “invitation to buy”. This is true in the United States, United Kingdom, Commonwealth nations, and probably the rest of the Western world. If a shop makes a mistake, they can simply continue to sell the goods at the normal price. Attempts to defraud by advertising lower prices are caught in other consumer laws. However, it should be noted that if an electronic transaction is completed you may be eligible to keep the goods if a mistake is made.

    Space Dust

    False Fact: NASA invented the DustBuster

    First of all, how do you vacuum in a vacuum? You don’t, so why would NASA need a vacuum cleaner for its space missions? It didn’t, but what it did need was a small battery powered drill, so they teemed up with Black and Decker to come up with the perfect device. Once the device had been realized, Black and Decker were left with great technology from which they eventually developed the DustBuster and other useful home devices.

    Polar Bears

    False Fact: Polar Bears are left handed

    Where this myth came from is now lost in the dark recesses of history. The widespread of this misnomer is quite extraordinary with more google results announcing it as gospel than not. But in reality, scientists who have spent their working lives studying polar bears have found that they are actually ambidextrous (they use both hands equally well). It is possible that the myth was started when people observed the bears working well with their left hands, but they neglected to notice that they also worked well with their right.

    McDonald’s Wars

    False Fact: No two countries with McDonald’s franchises have ever gone to war.

    This theory was proposed by Thomas Friedman and became massively popular all around the world. It was used to show that countries loving democracy (those most likely to have a McDonald’s franchise) have lived peacefully together due to the merits of that political system (this is also called the Democratic Peace Theory and the Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Resolution). Friedman proposed it in his book The Lexus and the Olive Tree. So, is it true? No. Georgia and Russia were recently at war with each other and both have McDonald’s. Furthermore, Israel and Lebanon also defy the theory for their conflict in 2006, and right after the book was published, NATO bombed Serbia – again disproving the idea.

    The Great Wall

    False Fact: The Great Wall of China is the only manmade structure visible from space.

    Well this is wrong on many levels. Firstly, while you are still close enough to earth to actually see the great wall, you can also see road networks, and other large objects created by man. There is, in fact, no distance from earth in which you can only see the great wall. By the time you get a few thousand miles away, you can see nothing manmade. Astronaut Alan Bean said:

    “The only thing you can see from the moon is a beautiful sphere, mostly white (clouds), some blue (ocean), patches of yellow (deserts), and every once in a while some green vegetation. No man-made object is visible on this scale. In fact, when first leaving earth’s orbit and only a few thousand miles away, no man-made object is visible at that point either.”

    Contributor: JFrater
    Last edited by Ekoydakoykoy; 02-01-2012 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #2
    C.I.A. jesse5648's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    kung naa kay nindot ug high.end nga phone, gara kaayu kas imung mga amigu,
    pero wa ka kahibaw nga ang imung amigu, tanaw nilas imung phone kay duwaan ra,
    awa ipakita na nila diba mohulam na para magduwa sa mga games sa imung phone,

  3. #3

    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    Quote Originally Posted by jesse5648 View Post
    kung naa kay nindot ug high.end nga phone, gara kaayu kas imung mga amigu,
    pero wa ka kahibaw nga ang imung amigu, tanaw nilas imung phone kay duwaan ra,
    awa ipakita na nila diba mohulam na para magduwa sa mga games sa imung phone,
    mao na ni ang trivia?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    Quote Originally Posted by jesse5648 View Post
    kung naa kay nindot ug high.end nga phone, gara kaayu kas imung mga amigu,
    pero wa ka kahibaw nga ang imung amigu, tanaw nilas imung phone kay duwaan ra,
    awa ipakita na nila diba mohulam na para magduwa sa mga games sa imung phone,
    unsay point ane brad?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    asa man ang trivia ani? hahaha

  6. #6
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    naa diay ko trivia,

    most useless threads are just like this.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    Quote Originally Posted by vahnhelsing View Post
    naa diay ko trivia,

    most useless threads are just like this.
    +1 ko ane...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    pls ko define sa me loading akong net nya dko ka google ^^ wa koi dictionary pud sa balay

  9. #9
    C.I.A. jesse5648's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    1. Ilo-Ilo golf and country club is the oldest golf club in the Philippines. It was built at 1908 by Irish Engineers.

    2· Limasawa Island – where Ferdinand Magellan first landed in the Philippines which give way to the discovery of the Philippines and where the first mass was celebrated.

    3· San Juanico Strait – said to be the narrowest yet the most navigable strait in the world

    4· Calbiga Cave – The Philippines’ biggest karst formations and one of the largest in Asia, the 2,968-hectare cave system is composed of 12 caves with wide underground spaces, unique rock formations and sub-terranean watercourse.

    5· At the Immaculate Conception Cathedral can be found the only existing pipe organ in Mindanao. The 2nd largest pipe organ in the Phiippines. The huge instrument took 2 years to built and was brought over by sea from Germany in 23 crates.

    6· Cagayan de Oro City – “The City of Golden Friendship,” known for its warm people and old-fashioned hospitality

    7· Mt. Apo, the Philippines highest mountain at 10,311 feet above sea level, and considered as the “Grand-father of all Philippine Mountains”


  10. #10
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trivia2x ta sa mga way lingaw!

    kani sad ay trivia, newbie... mopaspas ni sila ug post to reach junior level. some kay para makapost na sa buy and sell.

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