***** This item is already SOLD *****
Compaq Presario CQ40
- 250GB HDD
- AMD Turion X2
- Windows 7 Ultimate (latest version via Windows update)
Price - P4,000
Contact me for faster transaction: 09228593542 and look for Francis
I will sell the laptop starting February 1 since I still need it before that date.
RFS: I will get a new laptop starting Feb. 1
Defects (Please read carefully):
Defective Battery - no longer usable
Defective touchpad - no longer working
Defective CMOS Battery - For you to use the laptop, you need to plug it, press the power button and wait for
30 minutes while the laptop lid is closed for you to even see
any display in the screen.
Defective Video Card - Most of the time, all "white" are showing as blue green (see pics).
Actual Pics taken January 26, 2012:
as seen on this pic, the windows ultimate OS is updates as of Jan 26, 2012
this screenshot shows the amount of RAM and processor of the laptop (no blue green)
this screen shows the HDD size (no blue green)
blue green defect is now present on the display
this screenshot shows the laptop model, system date & time and the blue green defect.
overall pic of the unit with the blue green defect seen on the screen.