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  1. #1

    Default unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router

    mga bro.. unsay advantage and disadvantage sa switch ug router?



  2. #2

    Default Re: unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router

    ^^depends sa usage bro..

  3. #3

    Default Re: unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router

    be specific co'z there's already the layer 3 switch which can also be called as a router.

  4. #4

    Default Re: unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router

    router is intelligent. switch is dumb. one thing, router can be used as firewall, dhcp -- the one who assigns ip addresses and etc

  5. #5

    Default Re: unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router


    You cannot ask for an advantage/disadvantage of router and a switch because they have different purpose. A switch is a layer2 device that can connect one network segment only. While a router is a layer3 device that can connect different network segment provided you have an interface for each segment. A router usually have fewer interface than a switch. If you were asking for DSL router w/ four ports (linksys or Dlink). It is actually a router and a switch in one.

    There is an advantage/disadvantage between switch and a hub though.

  6. #6

    Default Re: unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router

    okies.. thanks raven...

  7. #7
    C.I.A. alvingo's Avatar
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    Default Re: unsay advantage & disadvantage sa switch ug router

    Price of course

  8. #8
    nice. thanks coz im using router

  9. #9
    advantage sa switch kay normally barato while ang router normally mahal.

    like what they said dili sila duha angay i compare.

  10. #10
    Elite Member reino's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
    bro unsa man ako paliton f 2 computer nga mka net ako gamit ron DSL conektion nga modem...

    router or switch

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