Penumbral contact (or P1) occurs at 7:33 PM local (PH) time. However, unless you have good equipment, you will have a hard time detecting this. You will begin to see the moon's disc darken at around 7:45-8:00 PM.
Umbral Contact (U1) occurs at 8:45 PM. From here on, you will start to see the curvature of the earth's shadow on the lunar surf...ace slowly creep across the moon's disc, from the bottom of the moon, upwards. The moon will be completely in earth's shadow (U2) by 10:06 PM. Greatest eclipse (midpoint of the entire eclipse) will occur at 10:31 PM. At this point, depending on the conditions of the earth's atmosphere, the shadow will either be grayish-black, or a deep red.
U3 (reappearance) by 10:57 PM, but you will perhaps see it more by 11:10 PM. The moon will be out of the umbra (U4) by 12:18 PM, and the eclipse ends an hour after that.
December 2011 lunar eclipse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia