Hello webmasters out there!
First off, I'm a programmer for a manufacturing company. I develop manufacturing applications in-house. But, they're all done in a client/server environment. I've been frequenting e-groups and forums for support on the development tools I'm using. Now, I've gotten interested in doing a website of my own. The idea itself is really rewarding. So, how do I start? I'm pretty sure I can handle installations and configurations and those fine tuning stuffs, I have a fully MODed phpbb here in my PC right now. Just I don't know what's the deal about buying a domain, or should it be hosted by a hosting company? How do I do this? Who's selling domains in the Phils? How much investment to I have to shell out for just trying to experience being a site owner? But honestly, I don't know what content it would contain. What do I need to learn first? Don't know anything about Dreamweaver stuffs or Flash or CSS. Well, I'm learning on my spare time. Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks.