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  1. #1

    Default Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Learn Backyard food production - and be your own boss. Hi-density food production for vegetables-herbs-spices and tilapia fish. No digging, no chemicals, no fertilizers, purely organic, clean process, healthy. No water wasted(except through evaporation, work on protecting the environment and climate change. Start small, expand and grow as you learn. Best time to start is now that you still have a job and invest on this knowhow on food sustainability. This is the greatest job security you can offer to yourself and your family - i.e. producing your own food.

    Get started: fee 1,500.00 for 3 to 4 hours lecture to guide you through best choices and work with your budget. SMS or PM me your email address: 09228047056

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    hmmmm... interesting. why not give a free lecture instead? that way, u get to help ur fellow istoryans,...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Quote Originally Posted by iamU View Post
    hmmmm... interesting. why not give a free lecture instead? that way, u get to help ur fellow istoryans,...
    Thank you for your suggestion, something I had to ponder upon many years ago.

    I would love to do that, but through experience, anything that is free is taken for granted and abused. Look at our water and seas, it used to cost almost nothing - now we have to buy bottled water - our seas are polluted. Our air is not free - we will pay for it later on - for the rich, they have air-conditioning. Free-***(love) has its repercussion and backlash-the cost (karma) is just so great it will not be worth it.

    I wish I could be of great help in propagating this concept for the service of humanity and love of God/neighbor, unfortunately I also have to earn a decent living. - Teach how to fish rather than giving fish.

    This fee is just a "commitment fee", that people will make the most of or value the knowledge and know-how, when they have invested something - such as time, money and effort.

    ( I paid 200.00 Sing Dollars in Singapore )
    Last edited by EsoyLegaspi; 11-20-2011 at 10:09 AM. Reason: modify

  4. #4

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    A. Learn Aquaponics –
    Creative and Innovative Solutions from Poverty Alleviation to Healthy Lifestyle

    At Mactan Aquaponics Philippines – we can make the difference towards better living and poverty alleviation – through innovative, creative and engineered solutions.
    Teach people how to (produce) fish rather than giving fish.
    We trade not only goods, products and services but also knowledge-knowhow, we work with what you have overcome space constraints – if you have a place you live on, then you can start doing it.

    B. Why Aquaponics? Because Aquaponics is:
    1. Sustainable, Food production that is - self-reproduction-sustaining micro-eco-system, creating micro-climate then looking forward to the future we advance towards total urban farming integration – Decentralization of food production, producing right where the end user is.
    2. Renewable, Food production that is, recycling of waste water, waste of the fish, waste of the plants, nothing goes to waste but is renewed – almost zero waste – totally doable and recoverable
    3. Green, Food production that is cost and energy efficient approach available– environmentally friendly processes, Can be linked up with Renewable Energy Sources-Solar, Mini-hydro, (River and streams -, Natural Hydro), Wind and Wave

    4. Plus possibilities to explore:
    We know what we have and don’t have – we help you to overcome limitations/obstacles, or work-around-solutions – the challenges for start up is enormous, nevertheless, we have
    a. Customized or Standardized Systems and Options Available-working with what you have and your budget
    b. Horizontal Integration is possible, - decentralized fish and vegetable production-scale able, modular expandable, learn and grow
    c. Optimized efficiency and productivity
    d. Healthy Organic – Food (Vegetable and Fish) and Job Security at your home
    e. Working towards a clean, happy and healthy community
    f. Natural solutions for the natural world 100% organic, beat the heat, create a natural shield and absorb energy from the sun – natural air-conditioning – oxygenate your surrounding
    g. We are a gifted country, full of natural resources – longest coastlines, land full of river, and lakes with plentiful of natural wonders, let us use all these blessings provided to us by the Divine-Supreme Architect and turn it back into a productive, loving, sharing environment. Where hunger and poverty does not exist because there is so much of everyone and everyone can have. We can work with nature and not against nature for the benefit of all.
    h. Upgrade existing pond facilities, to increase efficiency and productivity.
    i. Ideal for housewives, retirees and handicaps. Institutions-, schools for educational propagation, Barangay Centers, Correctional Facilities, Military Camps, Unused lots and land, government idle land and facilities.

    j. Government Entities - environment – planning for flood prevention and mitigation, prevention of silting of rivers and lakes. Eco-tourism – clean, green and sustainable.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Create Food Security within you home - the best gift you can give to your family this christmas

  6. #6

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    This is nice. We have one at home nah. Tabang lang kog up.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Quote Originally Posted by laika28 View Post
    This is nice. We have one at home nah. Tabang lang kog up.
    Hi Laika,
    What are you producing so far, perhaps you can share some experience you have such as - how was the fish, tasty? and the fresh veggies, what did you plant?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Create your own herbal garden - and let your food be your medicine and your medicine, your food...a "natural pharmacy" in your homes...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Aquaponics is producing MORE with less space, less effort, less money, less time and zero waste.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Be your own Boss - Work at Home

    Aquaponics - is a simple solution to a "flooded" problem...people will then realize that rain is a blessing rather than a curse...

  11.    Advertisement

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