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  1. #1

    Default Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Good health starts with the food you eat. Fresh vegies and fish (cholesterol free) need not be expensive. Organic, pesticide free, chemical free, start producing your own health food at your backyard. Learn Aquaponics - and produce your own fresh vegetables and enjoy your own daily supply of fresh and healthy food - sustainable. Seminar fee 3 to 4 hours - 1,500.00 Php. For further details pls sms me your email at 09228047056

  2. #2
    Elite Member The_Watcher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    good am sir, interesado ko, pwede ko nimu ma hatagan kung unsa ang topics covered sa 3 to 4 hours? thank you and God bless.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Hi Watcher,
    Topics will touch on basically all that you need to know to get your system started. Your available budget and how to make the most of limited fundings. A system can cost as much as 1,000.00 to hundreds of thousands. Just like constructing a house.

    Most of what you read from the internet tells you already so much but may not tell you where to get what? Systems in the US and other countries can be sophisticated but we can scale it down as improve as you go along. There is no substitute to hands-on learning and creative thinking. I had made so many errors(trial and error)-learning from mistakes - so that I could make it cost effective for those who want to venture out and improve chances of success.

    You will get to see an actual scaled down model and see the different possible combinations to operate and maintain a simple system yet should be able to satisfy your needs for backyard application. You can avoid "fish-kills" as well - and reduce your single point of failure. Learn about how you can develop a self-sustaining system - a totally mini-eco system, fish feeds the plants and plants feed the fish, learn how these can protect the environment and the seas.

    The internet has so many "short-cuts" and only experience will tell you how to avoid this traps and problems - creatively.

    We will explore the "world market" potential - and hope to beat China - good to have a vision as long as we are united in objective and effort. I can fill up so many many things - even 4 hours may not be enough.

    Thank you for your interest in food sustainability of the future.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Your health and future are in your hands, no amount of money-insurance can provide you the kind of protection when you know about good quality-healthy food. 90% of all diseases are related to what you eat and do not eat. Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own


    How much?

    Please post your sked...who you are.... etc etc... basics...basics...


    Hi monyita,

    Thank you for asking and hope the following will enlighten you.

    a. Who - Joel "Esoy" Legaspi Vasquez - Mechanical Engineer - OFW from Singapore, learned Aquaponics in Singapore - spent thousands and thousands of Php, for the know-how not to mention the thousands of man-hours.

    b. What - Learn Aquaponics - Start it and finish it within budget,

    - Operate and maintain and sustain

    - DIY techniques to reduce costs using recycled materials, junks and scrap. (low end solutions)

    - "High end solutions" available for the "social and classy"

    c. When - At agreed convenience - one on one tutorial is okey - I am now doing this full time so schedule should not be an issue.

    d. Where - 0943 Mahayahay Rd, Bangak - Lapu-lapu City,

    Mactan, Cebu

    e. Why -

    1. Knowledge is power,

    2. You will be self-sufficient and sustainable,

    3. produce your own healthy, organic food - using sustainable methods. Learn to produce your own feeds(using the God given resources around you)

    4. Learn to construct your own systems with the materials around you, innovation and creativity. Learn to landscape-"functional and aesthetic" your place using vertical gardening. Nothing goes to waste.

    5. Use this functionality to produce food - circulation and aeration and filtration - creative thinking and ideas.

    6. Develop the expertise on a small scale and go big time.

    7. Rehabilitate existing ponds to increase productivity.

    8. See "Engineered Systems" by learning to do it yourself, with locally available materials. Accelerate your learning curve, reduce errors, fish-kills(like I did) and have immediate direction of what you want to achieve.

    You will be self-sustaining during storms and calamities - because you can produce you own food.

    9. You are able to protect the environment turning it green and clean - zero waste. Let nature do the work for you - you just provide the infrastructure.

    10. Ideal for housewives, retirees, handicaps as well.

    11. Good health, is the greatest gift you can have for yourself and your family. (90% of illnesses comes from the food you eat)

    This program of learning are for dummies like me, who learned the hard and expensive way, asking silly questions; but this is part of the learning process. The only silly question are those that are not asked...that was what my "guro" told me...So let's get started.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Thank you for your interest in this venture. This is a know-how you will cherish for a lifetime and investment that will not rot or be stolen, your "insurance" for the future - while you create a healthy environment and do your share of protecting our seas, ocean, river, lakes, forest and mountain. Your own eco-system beside you, for you and your family to enjoy. Create a micro-climate - oxygenated by plants around you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    A. Learn Aquaponics –
    Creative and Innovative Solutions from Poverty Alleviation to Healthy Lifestyle

    At Mactan Aquaponics Philippines – we can make the difference towards better living and poverty alleviation – through innovative, creative and engineered solutions.
    Teach people how to (produce) fish rather than giving fish.
    We trade not only goods, products and services but also knowledge-knowhow, we work with what you have overcome space constraints – if you have a place you live on, then you can start doing it.

    B. Why Aquaponics? Because Aquaponics is:
    1. Sustainable, Food production that is - self-reproduction-sustaining micro-eco-system, creating micro-climate then looking forward to the future we advance towards total urban farming integration – Decentralization of food production, producing right where the end user is.
    2. Renewable, Food production that is, recycling of waste water, waste of the fish, waste of the plants, nothing goes to waste but is renewed – almost zero waste – totally doable and recoverable
    3. Green, Food production that is cost and energy efficient approach available– environmentally friendly processes, Can be linked up with Renewable Energy Sources-Solar, Mini-hydro, (River and streams -, Natural Hydro), Wind and Wave

    4. Plus possibilities to explore:
    We know what we have and don’t have – we help you to overcome limitations/obstacles, or work-around-solutions – the challenges for start up is enormous, nevertheless, we have
    a. Customized or Standardized Systems and Options Available-working with what you have and your budget
    b. Horizontal Integration is possible, - decentralized fish and vegetable production-scale able, modular expandable, learn and grow
    c. Optimized efficiency and productivity
    d. Healthy Organic – Food (Vegetable and Fish) and Job Security at your home
    e. Working towards a clean, happy and healthy community
    f. Natural solutions for the natural world 100% organic, beat the heat, create a natural shield and absorb energy from the sun – natural air-conditioning – oxygenate your surrounding
    g. We are a gifted country, full of natural resources – longest coastlines, land full of river, and lakes with plentiful of natural wonders, let us use all these blessings provided to us by the Divine-Supreme Architect and turn it back into a productive, loving, sharing environment. Where hunger and poverty does not exist because there is so much of everyone and everyone can have. We can work with nature and not against nature for the benefit of all.
    h. Upgrade existing pond facilities, to increase efficiency and productivity.
    i. Ideal for housewives, retirees and handicaps. Institutions-, schools for educational propagation, Barangay Centers, Correctional Facilities, Military Camps, Unused lots and land, government idle land and facilities.

    j. Government Entities - environment – planning for flood prevention and mitigation, prevention of silting of rivers and lakes. Eco-tourism – clean, green and sustainable.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Food security at your home-backyard-garden - God forbid, when calamities come, only those who are able to produce their own food are able to eat. This happened in the US during the great depression...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Create Food Security within you home - the best gift you can give to your family this christmas

  10. #10

    Default Re: Heathfood need not be expensive - produce your own

    Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food,

  11.    Advertisement

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