GIGABYTE G1.Sniper 2 Z68 Gaming Motherboard Review by
Today we take a look at one of the most feature filled Z68 Sandy Bridge motherboard from GIGABYTE's G1 series of gamer oriented motherboards, the GIGABYTE G1 Sniper 2. Follow us as we put the Sniper 2 under the microscope and examine its every aspect.
Before we start looking at the G1 Sniper 2, let's take a look at the platform and its benefits to gamers over the P67 platform. To begin, it seems that GIGABYTE waited for Z68 before launching a LGA1155 based G1 series motherboard, and on top of that they gave the G1 Sniper 2 an HDMI output, something that sine of the top-end GIGABYTE boards (like the Z68X-UD7) lacks.
So why does that matter for gamers? Well a gamer can use the Lucid Virtu switching to help lower energy costs when not gaming, and any user can use D-Mode without having to use the HDMI output in the back which can limit resolution to 1920x1600. Another thing to realize is that most games do not take advantage of SSDs, so most gamers don't want to buy the expensive 128GB or 256GB SSDs, they would rather save the money and put it towards a sound card or even a few games. SSD Caching (Intel Smart Response) can let that gamer slowly upgrade to a faster storage system, while keeping their large HDD they can add a smaller and much cheaper SSD to help speed up things. They don't even have to reformat to do so. A game can easily fit into the 18-64GB cache that SSD Caching provides. Z68 is a better chipset for gamers than P67 would be, and generally better for users as a whole.
Intel probably should have skipped P67 and just come out with the Z68 PCH. This motherboard fully supports Lucid Virtu GPU switching which allows for switchable graphics, but only an HDMI port is used, so maximum resolution will be 1920x1080 for those of you who want to use i-Mode Virtu to save power. Of course D-Mode can be used on this board without plugging into the HDMI output, so gamers can still take advance of the faster transcoding that the Sandy Bridge iGPU provides. GIGABYTE also has an Easy Smart Responce program which can set up the SSD Caching with the press of a button, which might be to a gamer's benefit if they aren't a hardware enthusiast as well.
The Intel Z68 PCH is the main chipset on the motherboard, and there is no longer a North Bridge (IOH) and South Bridge (ICH) like we still see on most AMD boards.
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GIGABYTE G1.Sniper 2 Z68 Gaming Motherboard Review by