Either go with a brandnew 560 Ti, a secondhand 460 GTX, or a cheapass video card.
560 Ti will eat up part of my 13th month pay and will force me to play PC games again, and doing it will increase my electricity bill to 2.5k again.
460 GTX will make me starve this week coz igo ra akong kwarta. And will force me to play PC games slightly para di mausik ako purchase.
or a cheapass video card which will enable me to watch movies and burn games and play it on my xbox, doing this route will also give me enough cash para ma.update ako xbox and burn 15 plus games.
Can'l make up my mind. Not much of a gamer anymore but if I expose myself to game the I will be hooked on it again (murag drugs ba
Also have tons of movies to watch . so confused