hello mga bosing...
ngayo unta ko gamay tabang ninyo...
im working on a project using MS Visual C++ and MSXML 4.0
i have no problems in reading the xml file..
but i have problems in writing the XML file...
usa ra ka linya ang iyang ma-create...
ideal output kai:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FirstLevel firstAttribute= "test">
pero ang output after writing kai:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<myXML><FirstLevel firstAttribute= "test"><SecondLevel>myTesting</SecondLevel></FirstLevel></myXML>
mabasa gihapon ni siya using IE pero mas nindot jud to nga naa siyay newline and tab spaces...
nakasulay na mo ani bosing?
unsaon pag butang ug newline and tabspaces?