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  1. #1
    Food Trail Junkie beyee's Avatar
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    Default WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    I've been warned before not to get too serious with anyone in the forum because your relationship will be doomed for life. However, I can't seem to grasp as to why such warning by a friend.

    Then peeps in the chat box got curious too as to how does it feel to have an iStoryan BF/GF right after chatting about relationships in the forum.

    So please enlighten me and the rest of the peeps here who are all so curious as to what perks you get to have someone special in the forum. I'm sure we have some istoryan couples in the house who can shed some light on this.

    So, unsa man jud kanindot na uyab nimo istoryan? Naa ba jud diperensya?

    Chika ta ninyo guys
    "People who love to eat are always the BEST people."
    Julia Child

  2. #2

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    This one is interesting... hmmmM!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    other than your world is becoming smaller.. you get to talk whose who here in istorya... the different threads others concoct.. some silly threads and the oh so serious threads...

    if loyal jud mo nga istoryans.. then you get to participate in any outreach fun day event, an istoryan might raise and etc....

  4. #4

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    so this really exist...

  5. #5

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    all i can say is love has no limitations... ma istoryan or deli imong uyab.. na-a gihapon ang mga challenges for a normal couple... nothing special to have an istoryan gf but what really counts is how much you love each other... your determination to make it work combined with trust, loyalty and faithfulness...

  6. #6
    C.I.A. ryeaka's Avatar
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    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    nothing special... in fact it's gonna limit you on what to post and what not to post... then if mag-away or unsa, post2x daun hehehe... mahibaw-an sa istoryan community ang tanan... nya if mahibaw-an couple mo, nya imo bf is celebrity dire, sus, daghan storya...

    if not for istorya though, i wouldn't have found the one i've been looking for... char...

  7. #7

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    kita ka sah pacific ocean? d ko molangoy aron maabot ako partner nah istoryan... akong hubsab! para mka lakaw padung niya... hi annerhexian

  8. #8
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    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    kita ka sah pacific ocean? d ko molangoy aron maabot ako partner nah istoryan... akong hubsab! para mka lakaw padung niya... hi annerhexian
    ayusa! ari lang pangatik, ayaw lang sa uban..pampadako atay panagsa ba. ahahaha LOL..

    anyways, master, there always a pros and cons of this kind of issue..
    and its up to the person's if this kind of situation are a BENEFIT or not to someone's life.. I just read your thread, when ryeaka give this link and answered it after the next poster did it.. I love privacy when it comes to lovelife but I cant deny stalking samtimes of the post can be a good benefit kung kinsa eya ma appreciate na member sa istoryan in which a bit hassle for my busy life.. So, I guess, trusting is the best foundation especially to a stranger you just mingle in here.. Its not easy to fall but if both are sincere, genuine and can met half way of the bargain.. Then I say, I cant justify the WORD love with its meaning.. it just shows.. simple and wonderful to felt..

    Ask ko master.. who's that POKEMON? PICKaaahuuu!
    Last edited by annerhexian; 09-30-2011 at 08:36 AM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by annerhexian View Post
    I cant deny stalking samtimes of the post
    sometimes kuno.. ows maski sge gyud ka

    bitaw TS. life is all about risk. i think you need it to be happy.

  10. #10

    Default Re: WhaT are the PeRKs of HaVinG an iStoryan BF/GF? :-)

    dili mana mo matter ug istoryan or dili, ang importante ang character sa taw. i dated an istoryan last year, it didnt work out kay samukan si ex. haha. but anyhow, until now, we are still good friends. we respect (and still do) each other. he isnt the type man pud nga kiatan or mag biga2 sa uban nga female istoryan. depende ra jud na sa taw. just like any normal couple gud. i think ang naka advantage lang kung istoryan is that daghan jud ang makaila niya, ug dali maka abot ang balita (good or bad) nimo ug naay milagro ang usa ninyo. hehe

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