Himalayan Goji Juice
Freelife c0mpany 1st missi0n is 2 serve....sharing the go0dnewz,since they dsc0vered the m0st nutriti0nally dense f0od...and accdng 2 TIME mag..its the SUPER FRUIT OF THE YEAR..'GOji berry.'Congratz freelife..
Research str0ngly suggest that g0ji's unique p0lysaccharides w0rk in the body by serving as direct0rs and carriers of the instructi0ns that cells use to c0mmunicate with each other,in this way it's called "master m0lecule".since it has the ability to c0mmand and c0ntr0l many of body's m0st impt.biochemical defense systems.
Since GOJI Berry c0ntains bioactive p0lysaccharides,here are s0me benefits,1.inhbit tum0r gr0wth,2.prevent cancer,3.neutralize sde effcts of chem0 n radiati0n,4.n0rmalize BP,5. Balance blo0d sugar,6.combat autoimmune dse.7.anti inflammat0ry,8.blance immune functi0n,9.lower cholester0l n blo0d lipids,10.ncrease Ca abs0rpti0n.
For more information plz. contact Elsan Gay P. Mahusay , RN (09223334659)