It was 11 years ago..
I asked my igso, if she can give a lady. She's hesitant to give me that time, but after a while, she gave me her classmate's cell number. Number only, no name.
A week later, I got my weekly allowance, then i bought a P300 card load. First thing in my mind is to miscall the number. And guess what came out in my mind, I texted her. And it goes like this, "Hi, this is guapo # 2, may I know your name please?".. I waited for a reply for half day, I texted in the morning, and a miscall at night na akong nadawat. And a text reply was received, "who u?".
I introduced myself as a classmate of her classmate who's my igso that gave me her number. We texted and texted and we became comfortable on texting. Text message like; "You bring color to my life" and other sweetiness and OA-ness. And I called her, and we talked.
A week after my first text, we agreed to meet in National Bookstore Ayala, in the magazine stand...
To be continued...
Breakfast sa ko ha.