The Exodus Decoded by investigative journalist Simcha Jacobovici had her debute in Canada last April 16, (Easter Day) 2006 and was aired in the US last August. With a $3.5million budget produced by Titanic director, James Cameron, it claimed to have the real name of the pharaoh that was Moses' stepbrother. Contradicting popular tradition that Rhamses was Moses' stepbrother, instead, the documentary have Pharaoh Ahmose I as the real Pharaoh that let the Israelites go (the Bible never named the Pharaoh that oppressed and freed the Israelites). It also offered a scientific explanations of the 10 Biblical Plagues that happened in Egypt preceeding the exodus. It also explained Moses' parting of the sea wherein the Israelites was able to escape the pharaoh's wrath. It also pointed out the location of Mount Sinai where Moses accepted the Ten Commandments of God, contrary to the traditional mountain that serves as the backdrop of St. Catherine Monastery. Furthermore, it also claimed to have the close-to-real image of the Arc of the Covenant that houses the 10 Commandments.
Please post your opinion on this. the exodus a historical fact, or is it what other historians believed as a "fairy tale"?
The documentary ended up with a voiceover saying "Was the Exodus just a natural event or was it the Hand of God? We'll leave that for the viewer to decide".
The Ten Biblical Plagues
1. water turns into blood
2. frogs
3. fleas or lice
4. flies
5. pestilence
6. boils
7. fiery hail (storm of both fire and ice)
8. locusts infestation
9. darkness
10. death of first born males (the basis of the holiday called "Passover" wherein it is believed that the Israelites first celebrated by slaughtering a lamb and marking their door with the blood so that the angel of death will just pass from their homes, hence the name "passover", and sparing them from the plague)