I just launched my site this morning 20th of Aug 2011
please visit and if you like my vlog/blog please share. i would gladly appreciate it.
Whats in the Camera Bag
What's in the camera bag? Many people have been captivated by photography as it has become an ever-growing part of mainstream culture, either as a hobby or as a profession for some. The dslr has become a common neck accessory among people walking around malls, cafes, or just about anywhere. We've hooked up with some of the better known photography personalities in the local arena and asked them to share what's inside their camera bags.
whats in the camera bag logo by
homeranthony, on Flickr
1st Post
-Erwin Lim
- Paolo Marco Maņalac
Agnes Anne Garrido
Anney Tui Uy
Ted Madamba
Archie Uy