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  1. #1

    Default Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Hi guys, want to consider this as an investment....
    share ko lang po...

    We got our clearance.
    My stock market mentor said it’s time to buy again.
    But as usual, we’ll do it slowly.

    Here’s why. My billionaire mentor believes that the Philippine Stock Market will go through six months of sideways movement. Unless there’s a huge event that happens... (For example, the Philippine Government is poised to spend billions of pesos for its projects—this could be possible spark for an upward movement).
    I’ll let you know if this happens.
    This next six months of sideways movement is a fantastic opportunity for you to keep buying stocks at very cheap prices.

    So each month, buy our five SAM (Strategic Averaging Method) Stocks: Ayala Land (ALI),
    Aboitiz Power (AP), Energy Development Company (EDC), First Philippine Holdings (FPH), and Metrobank (MBT). Buy any of them or buy all of them. (By the way, MBT jumps up and down, crisscrossing our “Buy Below Price" . Please buy MBT only if it goes down our “Buy Below Price" .)

    Important Note: I mentioned this last week, but I need to remind you again. If you have a big amount of savings you’d like to invest into the stock market, don’t put all your money in! Simply divide your money either by six to 12 parts, depending on the amount of your money—and just invest one part every month. For example, if you have less than P300,000—divide it by six parts. If you have more than P300,000—divide it by more than six parts.

    By the way, we might add to our SAM Stocks soon.
    But right now, we’ll stick to our five SAM Stocks for awhile. They’re terrific selections, especially in a crisis like what we have now.

    Yes, even our “laggards" AP, EDC, and FPH.

    Whenever I talk to TrulyRichClub members, they’re very happy with their ALI and MBT stocks, because they’ve gone up since we recommended them. But they’re unhappy with AP, EDC, and FPH. In fact, they complain about these stocks and ask me why I recommended them. Because at least on “paper" , they’ve “lost" money with these three stocks. They’re now lower than when they first bought them.

    So I have to remind them of our investment philosophy: We’re long-term investors. In fact, we’re happy if the stocks we buy don’t go up right away! Because that gives us more opportunity to buy them at discounted prices.
    So yes, I’m happy that AP, EDC, and FPH aren’t going up yet.
    Buy, buy, buy each month!
    These three are fantastic companies—and they’re being sold at a huge discount. That’s why I’m recommending them to you.

    One or two or three years from now, after putting your money in these five SAM Stocks each month—
    you’ll be thrilled at the gains you’ll be making.
    And then you’ll thank God that you’re part of the TrulyRichClub.
    Happy investing!

    May your dreams come true,

    Bo Sanchez

    PS. No matter where you are, I can still guide you in your financial life wherever you live—here or abroad. How? Join my TrulyRichClub now. Once you become a Gold Member, you’ll receive my twice-a-month Audio PowerTalks, my twice-a-month WealthStrategies newsletter, and a collection of my Ebooks brimming with practical wisdom. Including my powerful Ebook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too!

    PLUS, you’ll also receive my twice-a-month Stocks Update newsletterto guide you in how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund in Stocks. Personally, I believe now is the best time to get into Stock Market. Don’t wait. Seize the opportunity. For more details, log on to Truly Rich Club now.

    PS2. Sorry, but I don’t usually give this Seminar anywhere else. But if you’re living outside Manila or the Philippines, there’s a solution. I’m personally inviting you to become an exclusive Gold Member of the TrulyRichClub—and I’ll send my seminar to you online.

    Investor luranski: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Quote Originally Posted by investor luranski View Post
    Hi guys, want to consider this as an investment....
    share ko lang po...

    We got our clearance.
    My stock market mentor said it’s time to buy again.
    But as usual, we’ll do it slowly.

    Here’s why. My billionaire mentor believes that the Philippine Stock Market will go through six months of sideways movement. Unless there’s a huge event that happens... (For example, the Philippine Government is poised to spend billions of pesos for its projects—this could be possible spark for an upward movement).
    I’ll let you know if this happens.
    This next six months of sideways movement is a fantastic opportunity for you to keep buying stocks at very cheap prices.

    So each month, buy our five SAM (Strategic Averaging Method) Stocks: Ayala Land (ALI),
    Aboitiz Power (AP), Energy Development Company (EDC), First Philippine Holdings (FPH), and Metrobank (MBT). Buy any of them or buy all of them. (By the way, MBT jumps up and down, crisscrossing our “Buy Below Price" . Please buy MBT only if it goes down our “Buy Below Price" .)

    Important Note: I mentioned this last week, but I need to remind you again. If you have a big amount of savings you’d like to invest into the stock market, don’t put all your money in! Simply divide your money either by six to 12 parts, depending on the amount of your money—and just invest one part every month. For example, if you have less than P300,000—divide it by six parts. If you have more than P300,000—divide it by more than six parts.

    By the way, we might add to our SAM Stocks soon.
    But right now, we’ll stick to our five SAM Stocks for awhile. They’re terrific selections, especially in a crisis like what we have now.

    Yes, even our “laggards" AP, EDC, and FPH.

    Whenever I talk to TrulyRichClub members, they’re very happy with their ALI and MBT stocks, because they’ve gone up since we recommended them. But they’re unhappy with AP, EDC, and FPH. In fact, they complain about these stocks and ask me why I recommended them. Because at least on “paper" , they’ve “lost" money with these three stocks. They’re now lower than when they first bought them.

    So I have to remind them of our investment philosophy: We’re long-term investors. In fact, we’re happy if the stocks we buy don’t go up right away! Because that gives us more opportunity to buy them at discounted prices.
    So yes, I’m happy that AP, EDC, and FPH aren’t going up yet.
    Buy, buy, buy each month!
    These three are fantastic companies—and they’re being sold at a huge discount. That’s why I’m recommending them to you.

    One or two or three years from now, after putting your money in these five SAM Stocks each month—
    you’ll be thrilled at the gains you’ll be making.
    And then you’ll thank God that you’re part of the TrulyRichClub.
    Happy investing!

    May your dreams come true,

    Bo Sanchez

    PS. No matter where you are, I can still guide you in your financial life wherever you live—here or abroad. How? Join my TrulyRichClub now. Once you become a Gold Member, you’ll receive my twice-a-month Audio PowerTalks, my twice-a-month WealthStrategies newsletter, and a collection of my Ebooks brimming with practical wisdom. Including my powerful Ebook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too!

    PLUS, you’ll also receive my twice-a-month Stocks Update newsletterto guide you in how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund in Stocks. Personally, I believe now is the best time to get into Stock Market. Don’t wait. Seize the opportunity. For more details, log on to Truly Rich Club now.

    PS2. Sorry, but I don’t usually give this Seminar anywhere else. But if you’re living outside Manila or the Philippines, there’s a solution. I’m personally inviting you to become an exclusive Gold Member of the TrulyRichClub—and I’ll send my seminar to you online.

    Investor luranski: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Curious lng ko if you have the permission from Bro. Bo to post this in public since this is only available to Truly Rich Club members....PEACE

  3. #3

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    yes sakto jud. naa ka permission ani?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    naa man bayad ni diba?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    di pa mo ana, gi-=share sa atoa for free bitaw with payment mana ilang subscription pro nice to share in istorya, aron pud ma-aware atong mga members sa ilang nindot nga paagi.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Quote Originally Posted by Metz View Post
    naa man bayad ni diba?
    Truly Rich Club is a paid-membership site by Bro. Bo

  7. #7

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Quote Originally Posted by jeshcel View Post
    di pa mo ana, gi-=share sa atoa for free bitaw with payment mana ilang subscription pro nice to share in istorya, aron pud ma-aware atong mga members sa ilang nindot nga paagi.
    Hahaha....lugi ang mga ningbayad! Mag-unsa nalang kaha kung mangundang ang tanang members EXCEPT sa usa ka tao nga maoy magpabilin para mo-distribute sa mga materials ngadto sa public.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Ok.. ka team raman pud namo si Bro. Bo and pareho rasad mi long term investing ang gipromote.
    but karon rasad ko kabalo nga naa diay bayad iya Truly Rich Club.

    Ok ni nga alternative if wala jud moy makit-an mentor sa stocks investing.
    Pasalamat sad ko nga naa na ko.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Quote Originally Posted by arclops View Post
    Hahaha....lugi ang mga ningbayad! Mag-unsa nalang kaha kung mangundang ang tanang members EXCEPT sa usa ka tao nga maoy magpabilin para mo-distribute sa mga materials ngadto sa public.
    sometimes nice to share those paid thoughts to the public nga di ka-afford. sama nko nga di ko ka-afford, nalipay ko sa iyang gibuhat pro kung buot huna-hunaon, naa gyud na alkansi but the essence s kang bro. bo is sharing din ok ra

    di mana dawo si bro. bo sa iyang mga thoughts and insights sa stock market.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Stocks Updates: Start Buying Slowly…

    Quote Originally Posted by jeshcel View Post
    sometimes nice to share those paid thoughts to the public nga di ka-afford. sama nko nga di ko ka-afford, nalipay ko sa iyang gibuhat pro kung buot huna-hunaon, naa gyud na alkansi but the essence s kang bro. bo is sharing din ok ra

    di mana dawo si bro. bo sa iyang mga thoughts and insights sa stock market.
    But please also consider that if this process will continue then the business of Truly Rich Club will soon be over. Naa ni siyay effect sa mga existing members and to those benefactors of Truly Rich Club, like sa mga modawat sa earnings share, which I think given by Bro. Bo as donation. Naay positive and negative effects sa both sides. Sa mga DAWLIM, positive ang mga ninghago negative ang effect. So kita nalay magtimbang2x asay mas bug-at.

  11.    Advertisement

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