Looking for:
Graphic Artist
- knowledgeable in Coreldraw, Illustrator, Photoshop
- with or without experience
- full-time
- creative, artistic, thinks out of the box (no limits)
- team player
- can work on Overtime if needed
- can communicate with customer related to designs
- preferably living within Mandaue City area
- 18-25 yrs, Male
Digital Printing machine Operator
- with or without experience
- willing to be trained to handle all kinds of printing machines/equipment
- full time
- team player
- can work on overtime if needed
- preferably living within Mandaue City area
Please send resume to
pauldpcreations@yahoo.com. Cell number: 0917 632 6470
If notified for interview, please bring barangay/police/nbi clearance
Please include contact info (email/cell number) in resume.
(posted August 11, 2011)
PaulDp Creations
Graphics and Designs
Pauldpcreations Graphicsanddesigns | Facebook