Whether you believe or not, i just want to take this opportunity to help spread these truths for us to be reminded of the things that were prophesied in the bible, especially the coming reign of the Antichrist! Hope you'll come to know the truth of the message of the Lord Jesus Christ.
‪The New Age Movement - The Lie of the Serpent - 1‬‏ - YouTube
‪Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at Infowars.com)‬‏ - YouTube
‪Dark Secrets : Inside Bohemian Grove Full Length‬‏ - YouTube
What's the purpose why Jesus died when in fact he has the power to raise the dead?
‪Jesus Died! - Paul Washer‬‏ - YouTube
‪This is War - Paul Washer‬‏ - YouTube
May God bless us...