SOLD!!! Thanks Istorya
We got this with our aircon and we don't really need this.
- American Home brand
- Brand new and unused.
- 1.8L capacity
CONTACT NO: 09235049003
Price: P500
SOLD!!! Thanks Istorya
We got this with our aircon and we don't really need this.
- American Home brand
- Brand new and unused.
- 1.8L capacity
CONTACT NO: 09235049003
Price: P500
asa imo location bro? pm me the last price
chiboie, location is mabolo. last price na sir. it's unused and new
naa pani...ugma ako paliton dayon
chernna, naa pa. sent you PM re: contact number
up up today
contact number pls??interested ko ani..tnx
reignman, pm sent
up lang today
I want to buy this. I will pay alittle extra 600 if you hold it for me.
I'll be back in Cebu Saturday 8-6-2011. Thanks
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