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  1. #1

    Default P5 Million 2-storey House & Lot at Guadalupe (with attic)

    P5 Million 2-storey House & Lot at Guadalupe (with attic)

    Lot Area: 120 sqms
    Floor Area: 237 sqms

    5 Bedrooms
    3 Toilet & Bath
    Spacious Living & Dining Area
    2 Car Garage

    Payment Term:
    30% Downpayment
    70% Balance payable in 6 months covered by PDCs

    Property Code: JoyA

    If you're interested or have questions regarding the Real Estate
    properties listed on this site, or want to list or advertise your properties
    here, Please feel free to contact us at:

    Marlou Angelo Hinay | Facebook
    Filipinohomes International Cebu
    VP for International Online Marketing
    RE Lic# 2009-S-3-1348 (N)
    Email: cebuproperties4sale@gmail.​com
    Mobile: +63.9222.509939 | +63.930.2063320

  2. #2

    Default Re: P5 Million 2-storey House & Lot at Guadalupe (with attic)

    If you're interested or have questions regarding the Real Estate
    properties listed on this site, or want to list or advertise your properties
    here, Please feel free to contact us at:

    Marlou Angelo Hinay | Facebook
    Filipinohomes International Cebu
    VP for International Online Marketing
    RE Lic# 2009-S-3-1348 (N)
    Email: cebuproperties4sale@gmail.​com
    Mobile: +63.9222.509939 | +63.930.2063320

  3. #3

    Default Re: P5 Million 2-storey House & Lot at Guadalupe (with attic)

    If you're interested or have questions regarding the Real Estate
    properties listed on this site, or want to list or advertise your properties
    here, Please feel free to contact us at:

    Marlou Angelo Hinay | Facebook
    Filipinohomes International Cebu
    VP for International Online Marketing
    RE Lic# 2009-S-3-1348 (N)
    Mobile: +63.9222.509939 | +63.930.2063320

  4. #4

    Default Re: P5 Million 2-storey House & Lot at Guadalupe (with attic)

    If you're interested or have questions regarding the Real Estate
    properties listed on this site, or want to list or advertise your properties
    here, Please feel free to contact us at:

    Marlou Angelo Hinay | Facebook
    Filipinohomes International Cebu
    VP for International Online Marketing
    RE Lic# 2009-S-3-1348 (N)
    Mobile: +63.9222.509939 | +63.930.2063320

  5. #5

    Default Re: P5 Million 2-storey House & Lot at Guadalupe (with attic)

    If you're interested or have questions regarding the Real Estate
    properties listed on this site, or want to list or advertise your properties
    here, Please feel free to contact us at:

    Marlou Angelo Hinay | Facebook
    Filipinohomes International Cebu
    VP for International Online Marketing
    RE Lic# 2009-S-3-1348 (N)
    Mobile: +63.9222.509939 | +63.930.2063320

  6.    Advertisement

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