worth the wait
by jasonrey
why are you always on my mind? that question, along with your face,
keeps popping up at the oddest times of the day. even though i should be
thinking about work, there you go with that smile on your face that
makes me wanna smile myself. sometimes, i even ask myself if you're worth
the wait. but i always seem to be so sure of the answer to that.
there i was, just minding my own business, wanting to be alone and
isolate myself from the world. but how can i miss your bubbly personality,
the one that catches my attention even when i'm far away. with your
words, you make me smile. your actions make my heart skip a beat.
suddenly, i found a new reason to wake up each morning and face the
world. i'd see you smile and i'll flash you with one of my own. we'd be
exchanging stories and laughing at each other's jokes. we were just
having fun with each other's company. but somehow, along the way, i was
drawn to you. i don't know how you did it but i'm glad it happened.
maybe you didn't know it then, and i was afraid to let you know. coz i
know we both had apprehensions. we were keeping something inside us
that held us back from really expressing how we feel about each other. i
know i may seem like an insensitive jerk at that time, but believe me, i
cared for you.
but then, suddenly, you had to go. and when you went away, you found
someone who wasn't afraid to tell you how he felt for you. yeah, i was
hurt. i lost you to someone coz i took too long to tell you how i felt
about you. it's so hard to pretend that i didn't care for you when all i
wanted was to be with you. i'm so sure of how i feel for you that i'd
do anything to show it to you, if only you'd give me a chance.
a chance, that's all i need. here i am, waiting for you to give me
that. and if anyone's asks me if you're worth
it, i wouldn't hesitate to say yes. yes, you are worth the wait. and
when that wait comes to an end, i, and hpefully you, will be complete.
what do u think? it's from a personal experience...