himo nasad tag thread..I dunno kong naa ni na topic about istoryan awards but if incase naa nani paki erase nalang ni sirs and madams,,,,
This thread is for nominating. Nominations will remain open for a week or so, and then we'll open individual threads and start voting. Let's get your membership nominations for the following categories: If I forgot any categories, go ahead and add some stuff....
Famous Istoryan:
Most Respected IStoryan :
Spammer Award :
Absentee of the Year Award:
Newcomer of the Year Award:
Most Improved IStoryan ^^:
Most Annoying IStoryan POster:
Most Helpful Istoryan Poster:
Most Provocative Poster of the Year:
Most Visited Sections/Forums:
Favorite FOrum:
Best Moderator Trophy:
Best Organizer Trophy:
Best Istorya.net Thread Award:
Worst Thread of the Year:
Best Avatar Trophy:
Worst Avatar Trophy:
Eballer of the YeAR:
IStoryan IDOL:
paki copy paste and bolded letters dayun ang inyong vote..
ang mahigalayun,