Last edited by moy1moy1; 06-02-2011 at 10:07 AM.
TS: unsay nakaviolate anang gurlydalma?
mao sad na akong i-ask unta TS. unsa d i iyang violations?
sa akong nahinumduman sa forum rules kay murag sa buy and sell ra man guro na nga limit ug 3 ang buhaton nga thread sa first page. <----correct me if i'm wrong mga MODS ha on this part...
Ma fall cya ani yien -- needless bumping / excessive postings to increase post count. Take a look at her postings, 1-3 minutes ang interval.
Source:Needless bumping / Bumping out of Buy & Sell - Bumping of topics without any valid or justifiable reason is strictly prohibited. You are only allowed to bump your own threads when in the Buy, Sell, Trade and Classifieds forum.
Forum Rule #8
Do not post SPAM. SPAM includes unsolicited advertisements, flooding of the boards, inappropriate or illegal content, thread hijacking, and cross-posting of topics. Persistent violations will result in a ban. At our discretion, we will delete all posts / topics of persons engaging in the abovementioned scenarios. This also applies to Private Messages and Shoutbox entries.
It's a case to case basis.
Kung dili mga nonsense ang gipang post, even if it may fall under the successive posts category, posible nga maconsider.
Usually, ang tagaan nako ug infraction for successive posts to increase post count is kanang 20 kaposts nga pulos "nice! nice! go ko ani!"
Here is a toxic example of an abusive member. Ambot unsay anting-anting ani ni deathfox nga muted ra man.
^^ Pwede diay na sya?
ma ilhan raman ang mag nonsense successive posts.... maka kita tah.. click report dayon... hehe![]()
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