ALL SOLD OUT as of June 14, 2011. thank you to the dog lovers and dog loving homes who bought our pups
1 FEMALE GSD PUPPY left for reservation as of JUNE 4, 2011. thank you.
we also have these batches out from our stud
DOB: March 6, 2011 - not sure from client if they will sell the pups. will confirm if the client needs our help in re-homing the pups.
second week of June 2011, we are expecting from Whisky X Delta(repeat breeding) of which gave us these puppies:
^Alfa Amara of Queen City, Rated Very Promising CV-GSDA 2009 Dog Show.
^Alfa Akira of Queen City, Rehomed to a Malacaņang cabinet member.
ALL SOLD OUT as of June 14, 2011. thank you o the dog lovers and dog loving homes who bought our pups
search terms: German Shepherd Puppies Cebu, German Shepherd Puppy Cebu, GSD Cebu Puppy.