Several overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are facing tough exit procedures at Philippine airports as authorities have tightened screening on ‘undocumented’ workers, local daily Gulf News reported on Saturday.
Those who entered UAE on a visit visa but subsequently managed to find a job must show valid employment documents to Philippine officials, failing of which may prevent them from flying back to the UAE, the report said.
The Philippine Overseas Labour Office (Polo) in Dubai said those workers without their overseas employment certificate (OEC) from Dubai may face trouble during exit in Philippine, the paper reported.
“It is POEA (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration) that requires the documents of those applicants/OFWs who left the Philippines with undocumented status, meaning departed the Philippines on visit visa and after sometime found employment in the UAE,” the paper quoted a Polo official in Dubai as saying.
According to the paper many Filipinos in the Gulf emirate have shrugged off the tough screenings as another money-making venture, but some have welcomed it.
“It is for our own good. There are established rules in place. Everyone leaving our country for whatever purpose must be properly documented,” the paper quoted Lisa Magno Concepcion, leader of the Filipino Community in Dubai as saying.
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