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  1. #1

    Default Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    Linux Mint XFCE main edition will cease on Mint9.

    They will stop making xfce using ubuntu as a base. They will focus on using Debian as a base for the XFCE.

    A sad news if you loved Mint 9 xfce; still 2013 is a good 2years away.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    Where did you get this info?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    Linux Mint Forums • View topic - No more Xubuntu based Linux Mint Xfce.
    clem wrote:
    The Xfce edition will continue on top of a Debian base. The features that were included in mintconfig-xfce and mintdesktop-xfce need to be included in mintdesktop. The new version of mintdesktop is now DE agnostic and features different tabs depending on which DE it is run on. By adding Xfce specifics tabs to it we can include the mintconfig-xfce and mindesktop-xfce features back into the edition.

    I understand that a few people don't like the mainstream software selection and/or the switch to LMDE, but it was necessary to do this change and we won't be supporting Xfce on top of Ubuntu in the future. On the Mint 10 release cycle, we almost ran short and skipped this edition entirely. We simply don't have the manpower and the resources to guarantee the maintenance and so it's important for us to switch it to a rolling series and out of the release cycle. It also makes a lot of sense from a strategic point of view. It's likely Fluxbox and LXDE will switch as well.
    Clem is Clem Lefebvre the Linux Mint project founder.

    After Mint9 xfce, all XFCE mint releases will use debian as a base and not ubuntu.

    If you have installed Mint 9 Xfce, it will still be supported until April 2013

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    Quote Originally Posted by mraljoriz View Post
    Linux Mint Forums • View topic - No more Xubuntu based Linux Mint Xfce.

    Clem is Clem Lefebvre the Linux Mint project founder.

    After Mint9 xfce, all XFCE mint releases will use debian as a base and not ubuntu.

    If you have installed Mint 9 Xfce, it will still be supported until April 2013
    wa may nausab were still debian unless they hopped to NT :P...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    Try to use xfce mint debian and give it a spin.
    Last edited by mraljoriz; 05-11-2011 at 06:17 AM. Reason: double post

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    Sorry to disagree with Sir Mark but naa jud mausab debian is not really user-friendly. Been testing and using mint xfce debian and here's my opinion:

    *touchpad does nto work out of the box
    *Not user friendly in the way proprietary drivers are installed
    *rolling release meaning no re-installs unless you broke the system

    *You will appreciate how ubuntu makes using linux very easy
    *a robust community that will be ready to help you online
    *a great learning experience in using linux (you will learn more commands faster)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    i mean mother nato ang debian...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    KOREK but if people really complain that ubuntu 11.04 is bad I would just give them a copy of Linux Mint Debian and let them see nice their life was in ubuntu bwahahahaha

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mint XFCE based ubuntu bye-bye

    ..tama! hehehe we all know that ubuntu is came from debian..nindot jud ang debian kysa ubuntu..hehehe labina "LMDE LTS" change lng testing to squeeze s source.list..ako ray malooy!..hehehe mao ni gamit nku now "LMDE LTS (debian 6.0.2)" ..ubuntu user ko dati..

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