Dear All,
Below are the details of our meeting with MEPZEM about the Asean Summit.
Traffic Management is yet to finalize their plan after a series of "dry runs". So the details contained herein are all tentative. We will issue the details of our contingency plan few weeks before the Asean Summit.
You may disseminate this information to your members.
1. MEZ-II PUJ (HR lite operators) will operate all units. Owners offered to subsidize the "daily boundaries" of the drivers;
2. Truck Ban : Truck can only pass between 11 pm to 5 am. Other hours, the ban will be enforced;
3. PEZA/BOC Office: These are opened because they are gov't agencies doing export-related transactions;
4. Banks : The Banks will all be opened on regular schedule;
5. Aboitizland (MEZ-II)
a. Admin Office : Regular operation
b. Security : Regular detail. ( they have a Plan B in case of traffic rerouting)
c. Power Team : Regular team
d. Water Team : Regular Team
e. Garbage : Regular schedule
6. The ceremonial route will be from :
a. SM all the way to reclamation area, to District hospital, Mandaue CCNHS, going to New Bridge intersection, to New Bridge, to MLQuezon Ave (Pusok hi-way);
b. From SM to Mabolo all the way to Marco Polo Hotel
c. From SM to Waterfront Lahug
d. From SM to Marriot Hotel.
7. Accdg to sources, the New Bridge will be totally closed. Also, the Reclamation Area will be closed throughout the Summit; Accdg to sources, Ceremonial route will be closed between 7 am to 10 pm; No definite schedule, meaning can be closed anytime. 2 hours prior to delegates' travel, the security group will start "sanitizing" the route;
8. Alternate route( secondary route) is the M.P.Patalinghug Ave.(Basak hi-way);
9. According to sources The delegates residing at Plantation Bay will not be passing by Basak hi-way but will go via Marigondon. Only international media are booked at Crown Regency Hotel. Therefore, Basak hi-way will most likely not be used by the delegates, unless the Security Group will decide to close it;
10. The traffic bottleneck will be at the Old Bridge since the New Bridge will be closed to traffic;
11. With this scenario, MEZ-II employees residing in Lapu-lapu City have more chances of being able to get to MEZ-II, except those coming from Cebu City;
12. MEZ-I employees will have to pass through the Old Bridge then detour to City Hall and to Sewage Matumbo . They will not be allowed to bring their cars to MEZ-I. All MEZ-I employees will have to walk from Marina Mall to MEZ-Gate I.;
13. From Gate 1, there are internal PUJ's operating within the zone. (Note: as of this time, opening of the football field is still not approved);
14. It is said that Dec. 1 "Dry Run" is only the first of several "dry-runs" the organizer will conduct. We should expect more "dry-runs" to be enforced;
15. Expect heavy traffic also on Dec. 12 when the spouses of the delegates will be having a City Tour in Mactan Shrine, Talamban Family Park, Capitol Site, Sto Nino, among others;
16. Pedestrians will be allowed to walk along the ceremonial route. Just make sure to carry valid ID and avoid carrying suspicious looking bags and package;
17. Cars will not be allowed to park anywhere along the ceremonial route;
18. According to some sources. during closure of intersections, only 5 cars at a time will be allowed to cross over;
19. Proposed contingency measures as adopted by other companies:
a. Identify key personnel for key operation
b. Offer stay-in arrangement for those who are really needed in the operation
c. Require Lapu-lapu residents to fill in key operation
d. Schedule "catch-up" production run before/after the summit
e. Encourage important employees who are living outside Mactan to stay in the boarding houses near the Zone for the meantime
f. Adopt flexible time
g. Adjust working time to 6 am when the roads are most probably still open
h. Limit working operation to the essential ones ( skeletal force)
i. Encourage/ allow office and non-production staff to go on leave.
20. Others:
a. As surveyed during the meeting, more than 50% of MEZ-II companies have scheduled work operation during the Summit
b. One member saw many traffic signs being prepared that states " Road Closed 9am to 11am" and "Road Closed 5 pm to 7 pm". This could be a hint on the exact time the roads will be closed
c. The security force of the companies along the runway (Lexmark, NKC, Atomed, Draka) will be taken over by PSG during the Summit. These companies' security force will only assist
d. PEZA will be calling a big meeting with the locators within this week to discuss these matters further
e. Aboitizland committed to keep the Humay-humay gate opened throughout the Summit to ease traffic to MEZ-II.