I just would like to ask for your help sir admin's/mods?
There's this thread I posted at the General Discussions Section of our forum board.
It's a documentary film with 1:33:18 time duration entitled HOME.
A documentary film explaining how the earth is dying slowly and, us, having lesser and lesser time to change everything else.
It would be okay sire's if the thread be edited into a more formal and attracting post just as long as it be added as a STICKY to, as much as possible, majority of the sections suitable to the purpose of the vid in the forum board (since the video tells about an urgent matter). What's important is not the thread I made sir but the video. I would beg for the iStoryans support, as the leading pinoy forum site, to spread the word expressed in this video.
This is the link of the thread. Thank you and more powers!