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  1. #1

    Default article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    Hi I'm Nikki,

    I'm the Vice President of International Public Relations in the American website 7thNation.

    We need constant articles every week and are willing to pay $2 each. If your interested in writing for us please contact me. I'll be updating this thread with article topics I want specifically written. Those who are interested please join our community in Facebook @ 7thNationCommunity. I'm usually online so you may contact me there.

    We can pay to your paypal or Cebuana Lhuillier (in case you need $ immediately).

    Specific requirements:
    -good English grammar
    -creative writing skills
    -can research
    -can meet deadlines
    -flexible in time

    *deadlines are important those who can't fulfill deadlines will be dropped immediately and will no longer be contacted

    1) contact me and send me sample of your work either through FB Community and/or

    2)If, I think you got what it takes after reviewing your sample
    -last test article on health (see topics below)
    -join the team

    3)send it, I'll see if needs revisions
    major revisions-will be sent back; redone
    minor revisions- will be sent to our web coordinator for posting

    4)if it gets approved, it will be posted

    5)GET PAID

    *note: it may take time to get it posted because of the numerous procedures, the wait for payment could be as long as a week or less if it gets approved earlier

    but don't be too paranoid i'm usually online so you can contact me if you think this maybe some scam

    I hope to build a small group of dedicated writers

    *Read our articles like for examples:
    be Postnatal Not Postpartum | 7th Nation
    Dancing; Stimulate your body! Stimulate your mind! | 7th Nation
    A Wiped Mirror | 7th Nation

    *note we use statistics and quotes

    *Always stick to our missionWhat is 7thNation | 7th Nation

    * we are not commercial and don't advertise products so NO SALES PITCH writings please

    Please just call me Nikki.

    I'm easy to talk too but i won't entertain someone who is wasting my time.

    You can contact me in FB or yahoo add (state your name and purpose)

    I need to chat with you before i start hiring you...

    My other threads that may interest you:
    Looking for:
    article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)
    mobile application and web developer

    For Sale:
    SOLAR/WIND SYSTEMS (installation included)

    TULIC,ARGAO,CEBU-Woodruff's Beach Resort


    NOTE: Please understand if you get hired, you will not get paid if it's not approved by the head editor but you are given the opportunity redo the article till it's done correctly. Do not apply if you cannot handle criticism or follow directions. I refuse to entertain those who have not fully read this whole thread.
    Last edited by gamergirl921; 05-04-2011 at 01:05 PM. Reason: UPDATE! and additonal

  2. #2

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)


    • 400-500 word articles
    • 2-3 different titles
    • at least 3-4 statistics or quotes from related professionals that supports your article from the links provided or any other reliable resources like books, magazines, or videos
    • creative freedom as long the article is interesting and makes sense
    • the links are just guides to help you get started on your article so you maybe able to write accurately so there will be some factual basis to support your statements

    1)Personal Creativity (Why do we need it in our lives)
    -mention the importance of having creativity and how it enriches our lives
    -everyday creativity many people practice
    LINKS for QUOTES and FACTs:
    Importance of Creativity -
    One woman saves a company hundreds of thousands with a Taylor guitar.

    2)Don’t victimize your happiness (being a victim can ruin your life)
    -how to spot a victim if you’re a victim
    -ways to change so you may achieve happiness and achievement
    LINKS for QUOTES and FACTs:
    Psychology of Victimhood, Don't Blame the Victim, Article by Ofer Zur, Ph.D., offered by Zur Institute for Psychologists, MFTs, SWs, Nurses and Counselors
    Don't Play the Victim Game | Psychology Today
    How to Stop Feeling Like a Victim |

    3)What you do strengthens you (The importance of doing things that aims in fulfilling personal satisfactions and builds self-confidence)
    -describe what things to so to stay focus
    -how reaching your goal is beneficial for many reasons
    LINKS for QUOTES and FACTs:
    Shambhala Mountain Center Blog » Blog Archive » Practical Benefits of Doing Things You Love
    Keep Doing What You Love

    4)The art of breathing
    -different breathing techniques + partial history
    -health benefits
    LINKS for QUOTES and FACTs:
    Nine Health Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercise | Healthmad
    Deep breathing — the truly essential exercise

    -don't limit yourself from the links and look for other ways of reliable info from studies or surveys
    -be sure to cite your source properly not from the website but from a professional or study
    -make the style easy and fun to read
    -humor helps but stay focus on the mission of 7thnation
    -please proofread and edit as much a possible it makes you look good and makes us want to call you back

    STATUS:The writing position has currently been filled... you can still apply to be put on our on call list when we need more writers in the future...

    Thanks for applying,

    Last edited by gamergirl921; 05-04-2011 at 09:25 AM. Reason: additional, UPDATE

  3. #3

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    one has already contacted me... still waiting for more... i'll be bk online mon

  4. #4

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    Hi Nikki, i sent you a pm.

  5. #5

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    up lang ko ani...

  6. #6

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    good please send samples to my email and contact me in FB

  7. #7

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    labay lng ....

  8. #8

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    up,up,up still finding good writers to make a reliable team

  9. #9

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    I'm interested in this.. please contact me thru my skype id: manz.feb29

  10. #10

    Default Re: article writers ($2 articles pwede paypal or kwatra padala)

    Quote Originally Posted by leapchild29 View Post
    I'm interested in this.. please contact me thru my skype id: manz.feb29
    i'm usually fb i'd prefer we meet there

  11.    Advertisement

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